The panic attack

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George swallowed and sat up neatly. Dream put his hands on George's waisted and dragged him off of his lap and onto the bed beside him. George followed dream with his eyes as he got up and walked across the room and back. "What are you doing?" He asked his boyfriend. "I'm pacing!" Dream spat at him, they shared a few seconds of silence before Dream broke it gently. "Sorry, I- I just- there's a lot to consider."
George nodded and Dream continued to pace.

"You're all alone here," Dream said waving his hand around his head. "Yeah, well I wouldn't be with you he-" George started, "but sapna- nick. he's expecting me." Dream started biting his nails and his paces became shorter until he was just spinning in a circle. "Dream," George stood up from the bed. "And- and- I live- not UGH!" Dream started to stumble on his words and his feet and before he knew it he was out of the room and in the kitchen.

"Dream!" George called after him as he followed shortly behind. "George it's too much! It's too much! Too much. Too much. Too mu-" Dream was clearly put on the spot my George's proposal and it hit him hard. "Dream stop!" George walked towards his boyfriend and took his hands. "Breath." Dream took a second to calm down. His mind had been working to fast for any of it to work properly. As he breathed in time with George the fog in his mind cleared and he was set to one idea. "George, move to America with me."

~Mine~ (dream x George)Where stories live. Discover now