Wisdom Teeth Removal

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•McKenzie will be 16•

"Are you nervous?" Jake asks laying in McKenzie's bed. McKenzie nods. "You have nothing to worry about." Dylan says. "Yeah, they will put you to sleep & you won't feel a thing." Tyler says.

"What are you most nervous about?" Tyler asks. "Um, not eating anything after midnight because I love food." She says laughing. "& the needle." "The needle is always the scary part." Dylan says. "Everything will be just fine." Jake says. The boys want to comfort her the best they can before her surgery tomorrow. They went out to eat at her favorite restaurant, Cracker Barrel, got ice cream, & bought her some Reese's for after she can eat again. "Goodnight Kenz, we love you, you have absolutely nothing to worry about." Jake says giving McKenzie a hug, Tyler & Dylan did the same.

The next morning the boys got ready for school while McKenzie got ready for her surgery. "Good luck Kenzie, you'll do great." Dylan says kissing McKenzie's head as they walk out the door to Jake's truck. Lee & Emerson took McKenzie.

"Kenzie, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. We will go back there with you until they start the surgery." Emerson says driving. McKenzie was still nervous, she was more nervous about the needle.

At the dentist Lee checked McKenzie in while Emerson & McKenzie sat in the chairs. McKenzie held on to her father's hand.

Couple minutes later McKenzie was called back & Lee looks at Emerson for him to go back with her.

McKenzie sat in the chair while the doctor & Emerson talked about after the surgery. The doctor handed Emerson some papers the could read during McKenzie's surgery about after care. "Are you excited?" Doctor asked McKenzie getting the IV ready. McKenzie shook her head, no. Doctor laughs, "Surgeries are never fun." He says putting the IV in. McKenzie didn't even feel it. The doctor could see the relief on McKenzie's face after the needle was in. "The IV is always the scariest part." He says. "Bye Kenzie, I love you, see you when you get through." Emerson says kissing McKenzie's forehead. After Emerson left the doctor turn on the fluids for McKenzie to go to sleep. She was out like a light in a few seconds.

"How did she do?" Lee asks her husband as he sat down. "She took it like a champ." Emerson answers. Lee & Emerson read over the papers the surgeon gave them.

1 hour or so later McKenzie was done. "Mr. & Mrs. Fromm." A nurse calls. Lee & Emerson stood up & walked to her. "McKenzie did wonderful, she is still a little out of it, she should be fine after a while." The nurse says as another nurse rolls McKenzie out in a wheelchair to the truck.

"Put her up front, I'll ride in the back." Emerson says opening up the door helping the nurse put McKenzie in the truck.

Lee said thank you to the nurse & got in the truck. Emerson held onto McKenzie's hand.

"Stop by McDonalds & get her a milkshake, I'll feed it to her, I know she has to be thirsty." Emerson says.

Lee got McKenzie a vanilla milkshake. "Mm." McKenzie says as Emerson fee it to her. "I know it feels good." Emerson says.

Emerson also texts Jake & tells him that McKenzie is out of surgery & on the way home. "Tell Kenz I love her & I'll see her after school." Jake texts back. "Kenzie, Jake says he loves you & he will see you after school." Emerson says passing the message. "I love him too." McKenzie mumbles. "I love Mama, Daddy, Jake, Tyler, Dylan, & Charlee." McKenzie says completely out of it. (I said this when I had my surgery because my boyfriend said he loved me 😂)

Few minutes later they were home. "Take your time." Emerson says helping McKenzie out as Lee opens the front door. "Couch or bedroom?" Emerson asks. McKenzie points to the couch. Emerson helps McKenzie lay down. "Do you need anything? Pillows or blankets?" He asks wanting to make her as comfortable as possible. McKenzie points to her socks. "I can't sleep in socks." She tries to say. Emerson laughs. "You definitely got that from me." He says taking her socks off. Lee brings down McKenzie's favorite Georgia Bulldogs blanket that Jake got her. "If you need anything just text one of us." Lee says. McKenzie went to sleep.

2 hours later the boys came home from school, they were all worried about McKenzie all day.

"She's fine." Lee says meeting them at the door. "She is resting on the couch."

All three walked to the couch. "Jake, give her some more ice, the other is probably melted." Lee says. Jake slowly takes the ice from McKenzie trying not to wake her, but fails at it. "It's okay princess, I'm going to give you some more ice." Jake says going to the kitchen. "How does your mouth feel?" Tyler asks. McKenzie gave him a thumbs up meaning it was good. "Good." Tyler says. Jake came back with the ice & hands it to McKenzie told hold because she didn't like the big band wrapped around her head. She was back asleep in no time because the medicine she is on makes her super sleepy.

The twins go upstairs to do homework & Jake goes outside. Lee fixes supper, but feels terrible that McKenzie can't eat with them.

"Boys, come eat." Lee yells outside where they were throwing a football.

McKenzie was watching TV. Emerson brings her some mashed potatoes. (& to this day, I can't stand mashed potatoes.) "I crushed your pills up in it, if you can't eat it all, it's okay." He says handing McKenzie the bowl. McKenzie probably ate 2 spoon fulls then she was done.

Everyone else was done eating soon. "Kenz, let's go clean your mouth out." Jake says fixing some salt water & getting the syringe ready. McKenzie walked to the hall bathroom with Jake her cheeks were so swollen. "I'm going to just put this in your mouth & you swish it around because I know you can't open your mouth up for me to get further back." Jake says. McKenzie swishes the water around in her mouth & spits it into the sink.

Everyone gets ready for bed & Lee hands McKenzie her pills to take & Jake changes her ice.

Jake goes upstairs to get his pillow & blanket. "I'm going to sleep in here with you tonight." He says. "If you need us during the night come get us." Lee says going upstairs. McKenzie went to sleep pretty fast while Jake stayed up watching some TV.

Around midnight McKenzie woke up with her mouth in so much pain. She kind of wanted to wake Jake up, but then again she didn't want to bother him. So she went back to sleep.

The next morning. It was Saturday. Emerson got up & went to go get biscuits.

"Hey, how did yall sleep." Lee asks. Jake nods "Good." "Not too good, I woke up at midnight in pain, I didn't want to wake you up." McKenzie says looking at Jake. "Kenz, I told you, if you ever need me during the night to wake me up." He says.

Few minutes later Emerson brings the biscuits back. "Thank goodness I was starving." Dylan says. "I got you a butter biscuit, tear it up if you need to." Emerson says handing McKenzie the biscuit. She ate some of it.

"Do you remember anything after surgery?" Tyler asks. McKenzie shakes her head, no. "The only thing I can remember is before, they told daddy to leave & the nurse asked me who my favorite football player was, but I never got to answer because she put me to sleep." She says. (True story, I never did get to tell my nurse that Jake was my favorite football player, 😭)  "You were going to say me, right?" Jake asks. McKenzie just looks at him & smirks. "No, Dylan is my favorite." She says lying. "You're not a very good liar." Jake says laughing. "At least you can talk this morning." Lee says listening in on their conversation.

Couple days later McKenzie starts to feel better.

Please vote & leave suggestions in the comments for the next chapter! ❤️ this was basically my experience for my wisdom teeth surgery 2 years ago. 😂

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