Moving into College

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McKenzie will be 3 in this.

Today was the day, emotions were high. Jake was finally moving into Georgia 2 hours away from Macon.

Jake was loading items into his truck with McKenzie's help. Lee was loading stuff into her car as well.

Took about 2 hours to get everything loaded up. Lee locked the door to the house. "I want to ride with Jakey." McKenzie said. "I'm sure if you ask him really nicely, he will let you." Lee answered.

McKenzie didn't know what was really going on she just thought they were going on & trip & Jake would come back with them. That wasn't the case this time.

"Jakeyyyy!!" McKenzie yelled. "What is it precious?" Jake asked. "Can I ride with you?" Jake smiled & nodded. Jake helped McKenzie into her car seat. "Jake, we will drive in front of you & you can follow us." Lee yelled out the window.

Jake followed his parents. During the ride they sang to the radio & talked, & McKenzie slept a little.

About in hour & half in they had to stop for gas. "Dylan come wake McKenzie up & see if she has to potty." Jake told Dylan whole he was pumping gas.

Dylan opened the truck door & McKenzie was fast asleep. Dylan rubbed her arm & the back of her hand trying to get her to wake up. "Kenzie, wake up, baby." Dylan said brushing the hair out of her face. McKenzie looked around & rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "Do you need to go to the bathroom?" Dylan asked unbuckling her. She shook her head. "Why don't you try? We still have a long way to go." Dylan said holding her. "Here, go with mom." Dylan stood her up & Lee grabbed onto her hand.

They walked into the gas station to the bathroom. Lee went to the biggest stall. "Come here princess." Lee said undoing McKenzie's shorts. "I want you to try." Lee said sitting McKenzie down on the toilet. She peed just a little. Lee frowned. "Okay, darling, if you need to go to the bathroom any time during this trip you tell Jake, okay? He will stop." Lee said. McKenzie nodded.

Lee placed McKenzie back in her car seat. & went to her car. Jake came out of the gas station with a bottle of water & some m&ms. Jake opened the truck door & handed McKenzie the bottle of water & the m&ms. "I think you deserve a snack." Jake smiled at her. McKenzie opened up the m&ms & at all of them but the orange. She gave the orange to Jake. "I've taught you well." Jake laughed.

2 hours later they arrived in Athens. Jake pulled up where the dorms are & started to unload his truck. Everyone helped unpack Jake's things & organized his dorm. "It's a small space, but I think it will do for you." Lee said hanging up his shirts.

"Y'all want to go out to eat one last time?" Emerson asked. Everyone said "Yeah." "Where we going?" Tyler asked. Emerson shrugged his shoulders. "Y'all decide." He said.

"Cracker Barrel?" Dylan suggested. Everyone nodded. "Sounds good." Lee said.

Pulling up at cracker barrel it wasn't packed but it was getting there. They walked in & look around in the gift shop while the waited for their table.

McKenzie was pointing out everything she seen. She pointed out to a pink sparkly dress. "That's beautiful baby." Lee said.

"Fromm family of 6 your table is ready." The announcer came over the intercom.

"Come on baby, our table is ready, we can look some more when we get done eating." Lee said picking up McKenzie.

At their table. Lee, Emerson, & Tyler day on one row. & Jake, McKenzie & Dylan say on the other side.

"Hello, welcome to cracker barrel, my name is Ann & I'll be your server today. What can I get y'all to drink?" She asked.

The all said sweet tea. but water for McKenzie. "Okay, I'll give y'all a little more time to decide what y'all want to eat." She said leaving.

"Kenz, what do you want?" Jake asked. "Chicken & fries, with green beans." She said.

Everyone ordered their food. Jake got steak with green beans & mashed potatoes, McKenzie got chicken with fries & green beans, Dylan got shrimp with fries, Emerson got a steak as well, Lee got a BLT, & Tyler got pancakes.

Everyone ate & had small talks about life, football, & college. Lee got a to go box for McKenzie back she didn't eat all her fries. "Kenzie, do you need to go potty?" Lee asked. McKenzie nodded. Lee took McKenzie to the bathroom for her to do her business.

Jake found a stuffed animal that he knew McKenzie would like so he got it for her. It was a little stuffed monkey.

Jake handed the monkey to McKenzie in the car. "Thank you Jakey, I love it." She asked giving Jake a hug. "You're welcome, baby girl."

At the dorm it was time for the rest of the family to head home. "Well, Jake, the next 4 years start now." Tyler said. "Going to miss you a lot." Everyone hugged Jake.

McKenzie was confused. She grabbed onto Jake's hand. "Jakey is coming back home with us." She said. Lee shook her head. "No baby girl, Jake is staying here." He said.

McKenzie started to cry. "But I want Jake at home." Jake's heart hurt. "Aw, baby, it's okay, Jake will be fine. He will still come home from time to time." Lee said as Jake picked McKenzie up & she hugged him real tight & cried into his neck.

"I want you to come home with us." She said. "I can't, I have to stay here." Jake said. McKenzie was not happy. She was definitely Jake's best friend. "I'll facetime you every night before bed." Jake said kissing her forehead. "Bye, I love you, Kenz."

Dylan took McKenzie from Jake. "Bye, Jake we love you." Lee said closing the door. Jake could still hear McKenzie's crying.

"Shh, calm down, baby girl, youre going to make yourself sick." Dylan said placing McKenzie in her car seat. "I don't want to leave Jakey." She said. "Kenzie, Jake will be fine, I promise. He will still come home when he can." Dylan said kissing her head. "Promise?" McKenzie said holding up her pinky. "Promise." Dylan said latching on to her tiny pinky.

On the way home McKenzie cries herself to sleep. Dylan got her out of the car & carried her up to her room. "Goodnight baby girl, love you." Dylan said pulling the blankets up to her. She was still hugging the monkey Jake bought her.

I really liked this chapter. Poor baby. ): Vote please. ❤️

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