Rough Day

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•McKenzie will be 15•

"Come on McKenzie you go it!" Her coach yells as McKenzie tries to land her tumbling pass, she just falls. McKenzie huffs. She gets back up & tries it again, but stops halfway. "I can't do it." She says starting to cry. "Sit down, take a break, we will try again in a little bit." Her coach says handing her a bottle of water. McKenzie has always been hard on herself, she wants to be the best at anything she does.

"Let's go!" He yells to get the team together. "We have to go full out today, y'all can do this, encourage each other, you can either hit one clean full out or do it 100 times, doesn't matter to me. Let's set up." Coach says as the cheerleaders get into their first formation.

First was tumbling, McKenzie busts on all her tumbling. & she fell in all her stunts.

"Come on, I'll count for y'all." Coach says walking to McKenzie's stunt group. "Ready? 5, 6, 7, 8." McKenzie fell out of the stunt again. "You've gotta hold your weight up, Kenzie, your bases & back spot can't do that for you." He says going back to the front.

They practice their main stunts first. "Ready! 5, 6, 7, 8." "Kenzie, don't bend your knee!" He yells & McKenzie falls. "I don't know what's wrong with her, I never had a bad day with that kid." He says to another coach.

Soon they hit a full out good enough to leave. "See y'all tomorrow!" He says. "Kenzie, just shake it off, it's okay to have a bad day, I'm not upset with you, come back tomorrow & you will be better than ever." He says giving McKenzie a hug. "Thanks Coach." She says walking to her dad's truck.

"Hey Princess, how was practice?" Emerson asks driving. "Good." She says lying because she really didn't want to talk about it. "That's good." He says.

The drive home was quite.

McKenzie & Emerson walk through the front door & Dylan was about to throw a shoe at Tyler. Emerson grabs the shoe before he could throw it. "You wouldn't hit him even if you life depended on it." Emerson says laughing. McKenzie went up to her room & thought about today's practice.

Few minutes later Jake comes home. "Where's Kenz?" He asks. "Probably in her room." Lee says on her phone.

Jake walks up to McKenzie's room & see her staring at the ceiling crying. "Kenz, what's wrong?" He asks going into her room. McKenzie wipes her tears. "Nothing." She says trying to play it off, but Jake wasn't having it.

Jake sits down on her bed. "It's nothing Jake." She says. "I don't believe you." He says in a low tone. McKenzie took a deep breath & started crying again. "Today wasn't a good day at cheer, I couldn't land my tumbling passes, & every time my stunt would go up, I would fall." She says wiping her tears with eyeliner stains on her face.

Jake new how hard McKenzie is on herself & her sports. "I feel like I'm letting the team down." She says. Jake shakes he head taking her hand. "You are not letting anyone down, you just had a bad day that's all, & I'm sure you wasn't the only one, everyone has them every once in a while, even me." He says squeezing her hand.

"I feel like I'm losing my love for cheer too." She says crying again. "Nah, You'll have you love back tomorrow I promise." Jake says.

Jake stands up. "Come here." He says wanting to hug his sister. McKenzie smiles & stands up & hugs Jake. "You are so amazing, never for get it, you are even more amazing on your bad days, even if it doesn't seem like it." He tells her. "Thanks Jakey, you always know exactly what to say to make me feel better." She says. "Glad I could help, Kenz." They hugged for a few minutes until Dylan ran upstairs.

"Group hug?" He questioned. "& I wasn't invited?" "Come here, doofus." Jake says. Dylan ran to them & hugged them.

"Supper is ready!" Emerson yells. "Food!" Dylan yells running back down the stairs. Jake laughs. "Go clean you beautiful face up, dad has your favorite cooked." Jake says. McKenzie smiles. "Ribs?" She asks. Jake nods leaving. "No more tears, I mean it." Jake says outside of McKenzie's door pointing to her. McKenzie nods going to her bathroom to clean up.

Just thought of this one super quick. If you liked it please vote & leave suggestions in the comments for the next chapter! ❤️

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