chpt. 8

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Marinette felt uncomfortable. She didn't like that she couldn't move freely without feeling trapped. She opened her eyes and found herself on her bed, in her dark room. She groaned and checked the time, 3:37 am.

She got out of bed and opened the room light. She lazily walked to the mirror and stared at her reflection. Her sophisticated hair was a mess and she was still in her pink dress. She sighed and headed to the bathroom, removing herself of the dress and replacing it with sleeping shorts and a tank top, also taking out the mini braids in her hair.

She trudged back to her bed and sank into the warmth. She closed her eyes and... nothing. She couldn't fall asleep. Her sleepiness left as fast as it came.

She shifted in her bed, rolling onto each side of the bed every couple of seconds. She couldn't find a comfortable position and couldn't doze off.

Marinette rolled out of bed and slipped her slippers on. She walked downstairs to the kitchen and warmed herself some milk. She went to the dinner table and sat at the chair. While she was taking a sip of milk, she heard a sound come from her left. There was darkness all around her, except for a small light above the kitchen stove that lit the area very dimly. She had no idea what or who the noise was.

Her head snapped in the direction of the noise, her eyes trying to concentrate on it. She tried to see what had made that noise but turned back to her milk, thinking she was just hearing things. Once again there was another sound. This time, it was the door of the dinning room opening. Scared, she called out. "W-who's there?"

There was shuffling and then the lights suddenly opened. She winced and squinted her eyes, trying to focus on the figure that had opened the lights. Her eyes finally came to focus and she could clearly make out that the figure was none other than Adrien Agreste. She relaxed back into her seat and sighed.

"God, Adrien, you scared me!" she exclaimed. Adrien rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Sorry, I heard noises downstairs and I came to investigate." He wore sleeping pajamas and had a hoodie on... weird. Marinette stared at him until a thought hit her.

"So, you can hear the slightest to no noise in the kitchen all the way downstairs, but when I come to wake you up, screaming right next to your ear, you don't wake up?" She smirked while his eyes widened. He was so busted.

"I-I um... I.. well, um..." he could even form a sentence! Marinette chuckled, still waiting for his reply. "Okay, okay, you caught me." He said, while holding his hands up. "I couldn't sleep and so when I heard noises downstairs, I took that chance to leave my bedroom."

Marinette giggled. "Why are you awake?" He suddenly asked her, walking towards the dinner table to take a seat. Marinette took another sip of milk. "Same as you," she replied.

"I woke up and realized I was still in the same dress from the gala. I must've fell asleep with it on. Anyways, I felt uncomfortable so I changed and when I tried to fall back asleep, I couldn't." she explained, then took another sip of her milk.

Adrien nodded and then took a second to see what she was wearing. She had on the littlest of clothes and he could immediately feel himself blushing.

She drank the rest of her milk and then headed towards the kitchen to clean up. Once the glass was cleaned, she placed it on the rack and headed back to the dining table, where Adrien still sat. She smiled at him, "Are you going back to sleep?" she asked.

Adrien looked at her and smiled. "Yeah, but I'm going to go for a walk first." Marinette gasped. "Adrien, it's 3:45 in the morning, you cant go on a walk!" She exclaimed. 

Adrien smirked. "I can and I will." He stood up and left the dinning room, leaving a shocked Marinette behind. Since when did Adrien act so smug? She sighed and followed behind, closing the dinning room lights as she left. "Wait!" she called out. He stopped in his tracks and turned around, facing the bluenette. "I'm coming with you, just give me a second to grab my hoodie." Marinette said. She figured since she still didn't feel sleepy, even after drinking some warm milk, a night walk could help tucker her out.

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