chpt. 2

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Marinette dressed in her own creation, as she walked to the Agreste mansion. The paper that had all the information had stated to come at 3:30pm, to which she arrived fifteen minutes earlier. She stood in front of the gate that had surrounded the mansion.

She took deep breaths and surveyed the area. People were starting to crowd around the mansion and it seemed she wasn't the only one who wanted the job. Soon, the gates were opened and a slim, tall lady stood in front of them all. She had black hair with a red streak running on the side of it, blue eyes and a formal pantsuit on.

Marinette cowered before her presence.

The tall women cleared the throat, catching everyone's attention. "Hello," she said in a monotone voice, with barley any emotion at all. "I am Nathalie, Mr. Agreste's personal assistant. You are all here for the same reason, to become Adrien's assistant. However, only one person will be getting the job. Now if you would, please follow me and make sure not to touch anything." The women- Nathalie - beckoned everyone to follow her, to which everyone obeyed.

She lead everyone into the Agreste mansion and to a big room, which was filled with fabrics, old sketches and discarded designs. Marinette assumed this was the room in which Gabriel had done his work in.

"Everyone stay here and please do not touch anything. I will be back with Adrien Agreste." Nathalie said, then disappeared behind a door. That's when Marinette had taken the time to check how many people were in the room. If she estimated, there would be about 50 people on the room, though there were only 35. She also noted that most of the people who came were women, there were about three guys.

Soon, Nathalie came back with Mr. Agreste's son. He was well built, he had blond hair and green eyes. He looked familiar...

Then it hit her.

It was the same guy from the bakery yesterday! Wow. How ironic they would meet again.

"This," Nathalie motioned to Adrien, "Is Adrien. He is the one you all are here to assist. You will be taken into a separate room, to which he will ask you several different questions. In the end of all the interviews, the new assistant will be announced. Further information will be told to the chosen assistant. Good luck."

Adrien whispered something into Nathalie's ear, to which she nodded to. A simple gesture, but Marinette could tell from it that he was a shy guy. "Names will be called in alphabetical order by last names."

Everyone nodded before taking a seat in one of the many seats that were placed in the room. Then it began.

"Lilly," Nathalie called, "you're up first." A girl stood up, she was slim and had long, dirty blonde hair with hazel eyes. She scurried into the empty room next door and Adrien walked in after her. The door shut and then the room was silent. Nathalie stood in the room of where the rest of the people sat, making sure no 'funny business' was going on.

After about ten minutes, Abby returned to the main room. Adrien hadn't come out and everyone just assumed he was waiting for the next person to interview. Then Nathalie called another person. A few more people were called before it was finally Marinette's turn.

"Marinette?" Nathalie called. Marinette stood up, her heart pounding. She walked to the door, stepping inside the room and shut the door behind her. Now, it was just Adrien and Marinette.

Marinette took a deep breath before she turned around to where Adrien sat at his desk, sipping some water from a bottle and looking at a file in front of him. He put the water down and screwed the cap back on top of it. He put the file down and looked up, where blue and green met once again.

"Hey! It's you, from the bakery!" Adrien beamed. Marinette smiled shyly, still standing by the door. "Come sit," Adrien said, motioning to the seat in front of the desk. Marinette nodded before she sat down. Adrien looked back down at the file in front of him and read something, looking between the file and Marinette. "Marinette, right?"

Marinette nodded. "Not very talkative, huh?" Adrien asked, clicking his pen to writing something down. Marinette panicked and before he could, what Marinette assumed, write something negative about her, she accidentally blurted out nonsense. "I here for job!"

Adrien looked up from his notes and raised an eyebrow at the flustered bluenette in front of him. Marinette literally facepalmed.

"Ugh, I'm so sorry. I'm just really nervous and I don't really do well with interviews." Marinette said, shuffling her feet under the desk. Adrien let out a soft chuckle. "It's okay, despite being a celebrity that gets interviewed pretty often, I'm not too good with interviews either. Just pretend I'm one of your close friends and talk to me like you would to them." Adrien advised.

Marinette smiled and took a deep breath before she held out her hand. "Hi, I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng." Adrien smiled before shaking her hand. "Adrien Agreste." Adrien replied.

"Nice to meet you, Adrien."

From there, Adrien asked Marinette some question to which she answered honestly and confidently. Then it was the final question, which Adrien considered very important.

"Out of everyone here, why do you deserve to be my assistant?"

Marinette paused for a moment before she started. "From what I've noted, there are mostly girls outside. Which leads to me believe that they are here only to get closer to you. That's not my case. I'm not here to smother you, I'm here to reply to the job application. And as your assistant, I will keep you on track of what you're suppose to be doing and where you're suppose to be."

Adrien looked at Marinette before he looked back down and wrote something in his notes once again. She would be lying if she said her heart wasn't racing. Adrien looked back up from his notes and smiled. "Thank you, Marinette. You did great." Marinette nodded before she stood and shook Adriens hand once more before she left the room.

She breathed out air that she didn't even know she was holding. She took her seat before the calling of more people began once more.

About an hour later, Nathalie opened the room door and told Adrien that she had called the last of the people in the room.

"I just need a second to go over everyone once more." Adrien said. Nathalie nodded and Adrien got to work, checking the pile of people in which he had mentally labeled 'eligible'. He sighed as he threw yet another file to the side, clearly unimpressed. His eyes laid on one specific file which laid in the pile.


He smiled as he picked it up and read through it once more. Adrien was just about to leave the room, when suddenly another file came to view. He opened the file and read over this person once more. Unlike the others, he was impressed with this women, along with Marinette's. Now the decision was between Marinette and other women, Mariela.

He compared the files for a while before he finally chose one.

He put the files down and walked out of the room where there were light chattering. He whispered a name into Nathalie's ear. The long lasting wait had finally ended and Nathalie spoke the name that would be Adrien's new assistant.

"I am happy to inform that the new Agreste assistant is...

hope you enjoyed!

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