Chapter 3: The Starsoul Magician

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"Where is my time glass?" purple-haired Cyclops asked.

"Don't ask me." Diggie retorted with sandy hair and big round glasses that covered half of his face.

"Come on! It's so big!" 

"Then why didn't you find it first if it's so big?" 

Cyclops grunted.

"Hey what is going on?" Chang'e asked.

"Nothing, I just can't find my time glass, you know, the one I always carry behind my back."Cyclops gestured to his back.

"What is so important about that time glass anyways?" Diggie asked him.

Cyclops spun to Diggie, expression irritated.

"It has my power in it!" he shouted.

"Wait I found it!" Diggie pointed to a corner and there was blue light coming out of a bookcase. Cyclops walked towards the bookcase and pulled out an enormous time glass that shines bright galaxy blue. He put it behind his back and the color returned to his face.

"Ah, better." he sighed with relief.

"Did you send the message yet Diggie?" Chang'e asked.

"Yes, I threw it into his window, not sure if he liked it through." Diggie laughed.

Cyclops howled with laughter.

"But will he even know what it means?" she asked.

"Sure he will, people say he is smart," Diggie replied. "But Cyclops will make sure of that."

"I don't see the point Diggie." The girl replied.

"You will, soon," Diggie said.

Cyclops went out of the room and out of the house, which was a cave. He lifted the enormous time glass and threw it into the air and a silver streak of light came out of the time glass and flew over the trees and out of sight.

"I'll be seeing you again," he whispered almost to himself.


Something bad was the last thing that Harley thought he would hear. Every time, he hears 'something bad' and no good news for a change, he hears it all the time and it never gets old.

Now this word comes out of his friend who happens to be Master of Magic in the Moniyan Empire.

Harith refused to talk to Harley and said he needed time to think. He stayed at the Vance mansion for a few hours, having lunch, tea, then before they knew it, it was dinner time. Yet Harith said nothing and ate his dinner vaguely.

At first, Harley was badgering him with questions and stopped when Harith snapped: "Nana is coming at night, now please leave me be."

Harith could have sent her a letter earlier, but why they need Nana here was a mystery Harley had yet to figure out. And now he was trying to figure out what 'something bad' will be. If it involved him going on a mission, he'd pass. No more missions for this guy.

It was 15 minutes to midnight and Harith sat on a ginger-colored sofa, face scrunched up and in a trance. Harley watched him over milk and biscuits, so were the guards. He was exhausted but he continued to watch Harith, his yearning for the answers was keeping him awake.

If I learned divination, I could read his mind and avoid all this, Harley sighed, feeling like he missed a chance. He yawned and stretched, and when he opened his eyes, the leonin was gone.

Harley looked around, but no sign of him.

Cats are so quiet... he thought, sinking down. He heard the clanking of boots and a moment later, the door of the room opened and a guard came in, escorting someone pink.

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