Chapter 18: Magic Madness

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Dr. Bob holding the glowing cube with Angela by his side, arms pinned behind her back.

Could this get any worse?

Harley was paralyzed with shock. "H-how?" he managed to say.

Dr. Bob chuckled. "The riddle you solved was the key to the cube; Dark magic." he glanced at the cube. "And you thought that there were booby traps."

Gusion glared at him angrily and Harith growled. 

"But now, the cube..." Dr. Bob held it above his head. "is mine."

Bright flashes of light started to flash in the room and blind the trio momentarily. As soon as the light show ended, Dr. Bob was gone, in his place was a man with glowing navy hair like the night sky, his lab coat was replaced by a tight suit that shined brightly. And he has glittering blue eyes just like the magic cube which is now in his hand. His other mechanical hand grasped Angela tightly.

The trio was shocked.

Dr. Bob chuckled. "Don't look so surprised, all thanks to your little demon friend's dark magic, the cube is unlocked." his eyes flashed dangerously. "so... why don't I try this dark magic..."

The trio flinched since they knew what he meant by that. Dr. Bob held the cube in front of him and it started to glow brighter.

Gusion, Harley, and Harith closed their eyes tightly, not because of the light, it's because they're waiting for the fatal blow.

But someone stepped in between Dr. Bob and the trio and threw a grenade at Dr. Bob, it exploded with enough force to knock him off his feet, but not enough to knock him out.

Angela landed beside him, then she got up and kept her distance between him. The cube was still clutched tightly in Dr. Bob's hand. He got up and saw Lesley holding her enormous sniper rifle and she had a yellowish tint to herself.

She looked back and saw the boys looking at her with stunned expressions on their faces.

"Wait, you guys can see her?"

"Why not, she's literally in front of us, Harley," Harith said.

Harley looked away from the leonin to Lesley and gave her a look that says: "How?"

Lesley however, didn't reply with her look and turned back to face Dr. Bob who got up. Then, without warning,  he disappeared into puffs of blue smoke.

After a moment of silence, Harith broke it.

"Where did he go?"

A loud crash outside answered him.

The group turned to the window to see Dr. Bob hovering with the magic cube, and everything around him was on fire.

Harith swore under his breath.

"We gotta do something." Harley turned away from the window.

"But what can we do?" Harith asked. "Our magic can't beat up that maniac's one."

Harley turned to look him straight in the eye. "Then I gotta do it."

Harith looked back, incredulous. "You think you can?"

The mage stared at his feet. "No, because I need help, so I can do it." he looked up at his friend's face.

Harith felt something weird in the pit of his stomach.

"If you need help, we're here." Gusion put a hand on Harley's shoulder.

Angela fluttered next to him. "I think you need support."

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