Chapter 2- meeting an old enemy

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Mable and dipper were screaming when they saw Will, Will started screaming with them. "DIPPER KILL IT!!" Mable shouted. "I KNOW!" Dipper shouted back. "K-KILL ME?! NO PLEASE!!!" Will started crying while getting on his knees. "Save it bill, we know your games." Dipper pointed at Will. "B-bill?! I-I'm not bill.." Will tried to explain. "Dipper, we need to get great uncle Ford!" Mable grabbed dippers arm and started running.About 15 minutes later they came back with their great uncle, Ford. "Where is he?" Ford asked. "Right over there!" Dipper pointed at Will. Will started floating back a bit while Ford was getting a better look at Will. "Dipper, Mable, this isn't bill, it's a different dream demon." Said great uncle Ford, he grabbed out one of his journals. "So, wait, that isn't bill?" Mable asked. "Yes, correct, this isn't even bill, bill is yellow, this one is blue." Ford took a closer look at will. "What's your name?" Ford asked calmly. "W-Will cipher.." Will replied. "What are you doing here in gravity falls?" Ford asked will. " see..I'm not originally from here..I came from a town called reverse falls..and..could you please help me? My brother is here and he's.." Will was cut off. "He's a squid!" Mable yelled. "No..bill is my brother." Will replied. "NO! WERE NOT HELPING YOU!" Dipper shouted at Will. "Maybe your just bill in disguise!" Dipper shouted again. "I-I'm not! Please..he's my brother.." Will started crying again. "Aww, don't cry.." Mable walked over to Will with her arms out, she smiled and she hugged Will. "MABLE!" Dipper shouted. "DIPPER! She's alright." Ford and dipper looked at Mable and Will. "See? He's harmless! Besides maybe we should keep him and help him!" Mable said. "MABLE ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR HEAD?!" Dipper yelled at her. "W-why are you so nice?" Will asked Mable. "Oh who me? I'm always nice and helpful to help people!" Mable replied and poked wills bowtie. "Mable, we're not taking Will with us." Dipper was cut off. "Dipper, we have to take Will and I want to study him." Said Stanford. "Alright then." Dipper looked back at Mable and will, they were both smiling at Each other but Will didn't have a mouth but dipper could tell he was happy from his eye. "Okay, but how hard could it be having a dream demon staying with us?" Dipper asked.

Dipper was annoyed, he heard Will and Mable laughing. "Wow Mable, you are so kind!" Will picked up a cookie. "I am, and thank you." Mable replied and she also grabbed a cookie. "Mable I still don't trust Will, remember he's a dream demon!" Dipper looked at Will with disgust. "Will isn't a dream demon, I think of him as a dream angel!" Mable patted Will. "Aww thank you." Will hugged Mables arm. "OKAY! I'm going outside." Dipper got up from his bed and went downstairs. "Oh hey Dude, what's up?" Soos noticed dipper about to leave. "I'm just going outside." Dipper left. "Ok dude." Soos walked around. "Is it possible that Bill had a brother but kept it a secret? Hmm..maybe Will is Bill but in disguise? No, he admitted he wasn't Bill." Dipper kept questioning himself. "Well pine tree you could ask a smart fella like me!" Dipper looked up and saw no one. "Who's there?" Dipper looked around. "Oh pine don't remember me? That's sad." Dipper stopped, he recognized that voice. "Bill cipher?" Dipper looked around. "CORRECT!!" Bill started laughing. Dipper started looking around trying to see where bill was. "Pine tree..IM RIGHT HERE!!" Bill came out of nowhere in front of dippers face. "AAAGH!" Dipper screamed, and he fell. Bill was laughing. "It's been so long! But I can say you know will right? RIGHT?" Bill questioned dipper. "Yes..I met him already and I wish I didn't meet you." Dipper turned around trying to leave bill alone. "Pine tree just wait! Could I see my brother?" Bill asked. "Fine." Dipper and bill went back inside but before anything else happened dipper stopped. "Wait, bill how are you here? I thought we defeated you." Dipper looked at bill confused. "Eh well kid, I don't know how but I just came back!" Bill grabbed out his cane. "Yo dude is that, that same dorito from last summer?" Soos asked. "NOT A DORITO! IM A DREAM DEMON!" Bill yelled at Soos. "Oh sorry dude, Mable said you were a chip." Soos walked away. Dipper and bill were silent, bill didn't care anymore he just went upstairs where will and Mable were. "SHOOTING STAR! IM NOT A DORITO!" Bill shouted. "Oh hi bill!" Mable greeted him. "Would you like some tea? Me and Will were just.." Will got up and flew over to bill. "Brother, is it really you?" Will asked. "Yes will, it's're brother." Bill replied. Will grabbed bills arm and flew back to Mable. "Hey dipper, why won't you and bill join me and will on our tea party?" Mable asked until her pet pig waddles came over to her. "You too waddles!" Mable hugged waddles, until a goat came in. "Oh hey there Mrs. goat.." Mable was stopped. "TAD?! IS THAT YOU?!" Will asked the goat. "Wait, who's tad?" Dipper asked. "Oh just our other brother." Bill replied. "THERES THREE?!" Dipper was shocked and confused. "Bill! We have to get tad out of this goat!" Will said. "No way! I'm not helping our other brother." Bill crossed his arms until the goat bit him. "OW!" Bill rubbed his side. "Cmon bill! I wanna see this tad guy!" Mable said. "Ugh fine." Bill snapped his fingers and then the goat turned into a purple square with one eye, a hat, and a tie. "Greetings, brothers." Tad said. "Ooo he seems nice!" Mable said. "Greetings human, I am tad strange but please call me tad cipher." Tad bowed while lifting his hat up a bit. "Eh tad is always the gentleman." Bill rolled his eye. "Duh I'm a gentle dream demon." Tad fixed his tie. "Well there's one more brother we're forgetting." Will looked down. "No anything but him." Tad said. "Uh who?" Dipper and Mable asked. "Kill cipher, the second oldest brother." Tad explained. "Wait, then whose the oldest?" Mable asked. "I am." Tad replied. "Kill is the second oldest, bill is the third oldest, and Will is the youngest." Tad looked at them. "Oh I get it now." Mable started nodding. "But to see kill we need fire." Will said. "Uh bill could you make us a fire please?" Dipper asked politely. "Kid, ask tad or Will." Bill replied. "Fine I will." Dipper looked at tad but Tad was already starting a fire. Tad made 3 tiny circles and 1 big triangle. Bill,will, and Tad stood in the tiny circles while Mabel and dipper just watched them. Tad got out of his circle. "3,2,1.." Tad counted and then a red triangle was formed, he had one eye and a bow tie. "Well,well,well. If it isn't my three brothers who BETRAYED ME!" Kill ciphers eye started on fire. "Wasn't our fault you tried to take over the world." Tad replied. "Actually I did take over the world only for...1 or maybe 2 weeks." Bill said. "Well I was a goat and witnessed it." Tad replied. "I was in our realm." Kill said. "I-I was with the twins before I got kicked out." Will looked down. "Twins?" Dipper walked up to Will. "We're there twins with you?" Mable ran up "what did they look like?" Mable and dipper asked. "Uh, brown hair,blue and black outfits, they're names were Mable gleeful and Dipper gleeful." Will looked up at them. "Wait but we're Mable and dipper pines." Mable gasped, "maybe they're from a whole other dimension!" Mable got excited. "But the problem is..they're mean." Will had a big tear in his eye. "Aww it's okay Will, you're here with us....." "DIPPER! MABLE WERE GOING DOWNTOWN WANNA COME WITH US?!" Grunkle Stan yelled. "COMING! Sorry you guys but we're going downtown and I wish you guys could come.." Mable started to be dragged by dipper. "Nope but if you could you still couldn't!" Dipper and Mable we're downstairs outside until they heard a loud crash near the shack. "Uh oh." Dipper and Mable said. "Yo dudes I think you guys have 4 friends waiting for you." Soos got in the car. "4 friends? Does he mean Wendy and her friends?" Dipper thought. "No it's probably candy and Grenada!" Mable smiled. "Wrong pine tree and shooting star!" Bill said. "Uh..." dipper and Mable were looking in front of them seeing 4 boys wearing a tuxedo.

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