Chapter 3- going to town

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"Bill,kill,will, and tad is that you?" Dipper asked. "Correct pine tree! We wanted to come along with you and shooting star!" Bill made a cane appear in his hands. "Well we don't have room in the car but you can try." Dipper shrugged. "Oh don't worry dipper they can fit." Mable said. "Hey kids, uh are those you're friends?" Grunkle Stan asked. "Yes,indeed, absolutely, precisely!" Mable said. "Geez are they coming with us?" Grunkle Stan asked. "Unfortunately yes they are." Dipper sighed and got in the car. "Sorry dudes but I gotta sit in the front again." Soos got out and sat in the front. "It's okay Soos one day you can sit next to us!" Mable patted Soos's arm. "Okay so where are we headed?" Bill asked. "Hold up, your voice sounds familiar.." Grunkle Stan turned his head looking at bill. "And you seem familiar.." Grunkle Stan looked closer. "Ah well you see I'm just a.." "you're dressed up as a bumblebee that's cool." Grunkle Stan looked forward again. "NOT A BUMBLEBEE!! IM A DREAM..." bill was slapped in the face by dipper. "Quiet you." Dipper looked at the window. "Okay then pine tree." Bill looked at his brothers and smiled at them. After 13 minutes they were in town, they got out and Grunkle Stan gave dipper, Mable, and the ciphers money to look around. "So where are he headed?" Will asked. "Okay one you guys are floating." Mable pointed at them. They all looked at their feet and got on the ground. "Two won't people notice bill?" Mable pointed at him. "I'm sure not." Bill said. "And three you cannot do anything suspicious or evil got it?" Dipper added. "Okay." Tad agreed. "I'll try." Kill crossed his arms. "Deal." Bill smiled. "I will." Will promised. "Okay then let's go." Mable and dipper and the ciphers started to walk. "So this tiny ugly town is kinda what's the word? Useless to rule." Kill said. "It was but also pretty funny." Bill replied. Tad stopped and looked at a shop with a purple square blanket. "Uh could I get that?" Tad asked. "Sure!" Mable walked over to Tad and went inside grabbing his hand. "There it is." Mable pointed at the blanket. Tad grabbed the blanket also did someone else, he looked at them and saw a guy wearing a white shirt,black pants,black tie, and had black hair. "Hello I'm Tad cipher." Tad tried to pull the blanket towards himself. "And I'm Tad strange." Tad strange replied. "Oh yeah Tad I forgot there's two tads." Mable said. "But can I take this purple blanket and you can take that one?" Tad grabbed the blanket. "Oh the bread one sure." Tad strange grabbed the bread blanket and went to the counter.

With dipper he was walking with kill,Will, and bill. They were looking around until kill saw two people fighting, he walked over to them. "Give it back!" Yelled a tiny white haired kid. "No way Gideon!" Shouted the other kid with poofy blonde hair. "What's going on?" Kill asked. "She took my scrapbook!" Gideon pointed at her. "Well duh you're trying to impress Mable." Pacifica shouted. Kill was watching them arguing until he smiled and grabbed popcorn. With dipper again he was still walking with bill and will. "U-um...I'm sorry to ask but i-is there a flower shop?" Will looked at dipper. "There is one over here."dipper pointed then will rushed over. "Well I guess it's just you and me pine tree!" Bill smiled. "Ugh." Dipper started to walk to the arts and craft store where Will was headed.

Will was walking into the store and saw paint,fabric, foam, and more. He walked to the section that said flowers and grabbed some, he grabbed blue,red,yellow,and purple flowers and went to the cashier until he saw dipper and bill enter. "I-I got some f-flowers." Will had a tear in his eye. "I'll pay for the flowers for you." Dipper went up to the cashier. "Thank you." Will thanked dipper. After that Will had tears streaming down his face. "Uh is he okay?" Dipper asked. "He's fine he usually cries sometimes." Bill replied and started to walk to where tad and Mable were shopping. When they got there they saw tad and Mable getting the bag. "Hey dipper, will, and bill! We got tad a blanket! And I got some material for my sweaters." Mable walked to them with her bag. "Uh bill, wheres kill?" Tad asked. "I don't know." Bill replied.
With kill he was eating popcorn while watching Pacifica and Gideon fighting, they both paused and notice kill watching them. "Heya!" Kill waved at them. "B-BILL?!??!!!!" Pacifica and Gideon got scared. "No I'm kill cipher!" Kill burned his bag of popcorn. "Does bill have a father?" Pacifica asked. "No I'm his brother."kill smiled. "Also how'd you know? Do I look like him?" Kill asked. "I still remember what that yellow triangle demon looks like!" Pacifica yelled. "Well I'm a red triangle as a human." Kill smiled again. "Yeah we should know that by now." Pacifica rolled her eyes.  "Well north and gleeful, I'm leaving now but don't tell anyone about me and my siblings!" Kill walked away. "KILL YOU IDIOT!!" Tad slapped him. "What? I'm just making friends." Kill said. "But remember we can't get caught." Tad crossed his arms. "Gentlemen, gentlemen, please stop fighting, we can go to the grocery store and forget this little fight." Mable smiled nervously. "Fine." Tad rolled his eye.
13 minutes later they were in the grocery store, they were walking around until they all ran away. "And we lost them, so I'll get two and you get two okay?" Dipper looked at Mable. "Yeah." Mable and dipper high-five each other and both ran off. Mable ran to the candy part and no one was there. Dipper ran to the soda part and saw bill drinking a soda, dipper walked up to him. "You do realize you have to pay for that right?" Dipper pointed at the soda can. "Oh I know." Bill smiled. With Mable she found will in the cleaning section. "What are you doing?" Mable walked up to him, Will turned around with a sponge in his mouth. "Uh..are you good?" Mabel asked. "Uh I was just seeing if this sponge was..good." Will put the sponge out of his mouth. "Okay." Mable walked back slowly. Will put the sponge back in his mouth and looked to his left to see an old couple staring at him. Will started chewing the sponge and spit it out handing it to the couple. "Young man you shouldn't be eating this." Said the old lady. "I'm sorry, I was hungry." Will apologized. "Well young man there's food in this store besides cleaning material the food is over there." The old lady pointed at the food part. "Oh thank you!" Will thanked her and started floating to the food part. "Umm sweeting, I think that boy is that demon from last summer." The old man said. "Should we tell the police?" Asked the old lady. "Probably." Replied the old man. Mable started walking to the food part and stopped when she saw Will. "Well Will can get groceries I guess." Mable walked away. Dipper walked to the bread part and saw tad fighting with tad. "I LOVE BREAD MORE!" Tad strange yelled. "NO I LOVE BREAD EVEN MORE!!" Tad cipher yelled. "Guys, it's 12 pieces of bread so you can split it." Dipper grabbed the bread. "Makes sense." Both tads said.

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