Chapter 5- how to act like a human part 2

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After 2 minutes Mable came outside with her phone  and she was dragging dipper besides her. "Alright can you guys actually dance to these songs." Mable pulled out multiple songs. "WILL THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" Bill slapped his head. "OW! I just dance because it sounded nice." Will rubbed his head. "Well Will might like k-pop, but Tad do you like violin music?" Mable grabbed her phone and looked up a song. "Violin music?" Tad asked. "Yeah! I found it." Mable played it and Tad was just listening. "Why'd you think I'd like calm music?" Tad looked at her. "Oh because you remind me of a person who is trying to be a gentleman." Mable replied, And Tad smiled. "That's what Tad always wanted to be and he's already a husband." Kill had a fake tear. "My own brother married a pig." Kill started laughing. "how many times do I have to tell you? Shut up." Tad turned at kill. "Sorry..just kidding." Kill started laughing more. "What kind of music does kill like? What? Rock?" Dipper shrugged. "Nope I like any music except rap." Kill replied and Mable gasped. "Well I guess I don't listen to rap so..bill what music.." Mable was hushed. "I like piano music." Bill smiled. "Well you do remind me of a pianist." Dipper was on the floor reading. "Of course pine tree." Bill walked around. "Aha! You guys might like this song." Mable played the song "What is this?" Tad asked. "Love again!" Mable replied. "I-it sounds like pop and violin." Will got up. "That's guys like any music so that's the lesson of music." Mable paused the song. "Well thanks shooting star I think we're gonna go inside and sleep." Bill started walking to the mystery shack. "HOLD ON! Where do you think your going?!" Dipper started chasing bill. "Oh dipper and bill, I see them about to have a friendship." Mable started walking. "M-Mable!" Will rushed over to her, while kill and Tad started walking. "Yes will?" Mable asked. "I-is it okay if we can have another..uh..cookies and tea?" Will asked. "Sure!" Mable replied. "Count me in." Tad replied. "Eh, I'll just join for the food." Kill walked next to Tad. "Everyone can join the tea party." Mable replied. "But first we need to get into our pajamas." Mable rushed inside. "Uh what now?" Bill asked. "We just get ready for bed." Dipper replied. "U-Um...I-I think we have nothing else to wear." Will interrupted them. "Ah yes, but before anything I think we should do what dipper and Mable do." Bill looked at Will with a smile. "Hmm usually sometimes we take turns taking showers like morning or night, and it's my turn." Mable explained to them. "Hmm so one at a time?" Bill asked. "Yeah it's a human thing." Dipper walked passed him. "Well let's get in the showers." Bill snapped his finger and his tuxedo was gone same with his brothers. Mable and dipper screamed and turned around. "BILL!" Dipper shouted. "What? We can't be in our swim suits?" The brothers asked, then dipper turned around seeing them in their swimsuits. "Oh thank the stars, but please someone go in already." Dipper pushed bill in the bathroom. "Okay then pine tree." Bill was smiling at dipper, then dipper shut the door on him. "U-uh..Mable while we're waiting..c-can we.." Will started crying. "Okay why do you keep crying." Dipper walked to him with his journal. "I think I left my flowers in the car." Will wiped his tears. "you can literally go outside and get them." Dipper started writing in his journal. "I-I can?" Will looked outside. "Yup." Dipper replied. "Will..we have powers..Are you stupid?" Kill looked at him. "I told you I don't have my magic yet..I'm still learning!" Will layed on the grown crying, then dipper grabbed his shoes. "Since your not gonna get it I guess I will." Dipper started walking downstairs, and outside he went to the car until he heard something, he turned around but saw nothing. "Weird." Dipper shrugged and grabbed a bag, he stopped when he heard the same thing, he turned around. "Uh hello?" Dipper looked around and still saw nothing. "DIPPER!" Tad came out of nowhere and dipper screamed. "Shhh, it's just me geez." Tad grabbed his cane out. "Why are you out here?" Dipper asked. "Nothing, also let's go inside NOW!" Tad started pushing him inside. "Are you hiding something?" Dipper looked at tad. "No." Tad and Dipper went inside the shack, and upstairs seeing Mable sitting down with Will and kill. "Well this looks nice." Tad walked over and sat down next to kill. "Yup and do you want any tea?" Mable grabbed her teapot. "Sure." Tad gave his cup to her and she poured some in. "Also Will wanted to add any milk,sugar,or cream in it." "Okay." Mabel gave Tad'scup to Will. "I'd like a milk tea." Tad said. "Okay." Will replied. After 2 minutes Will gave Tad the cup, he took a sip. "Kill are you just eating all the cookies?" Mable looked at him. "No.." kill spit the cookies out. "Uh.." Mable heard a cup hit the plate hard, she looked at tad and Will. "T-the milk tea wasn't good?" Will grabbed the cup. "You forgot multiple things in this tea." Tad looked at him, Will started tearing up while smiling. "But please just add some sugar and not just milk and cream." Tad looked away from him. "B-but that's a little.." With dipper he was writing until he stopped "JUST ADD SUGAR YOU LITTLE CRYBABY!!!!!!!" Tad yelled at Will very loud, and Will cried. "I'm dearly sorry Will, I get mad easily, but please just add sugar and I can stir." Tad shut his eye. "O-okay." Will added one pack and Tad stirred his tea with a tiny spoon. "Geez Tad is loud when he's mad." Dipper and Mable looked at each other. "Yeah, that's why he tries to keep calm." Kill picked up a cookie. "Did you eat the last cookie?" Dipper pointed at the plates. "Maybe." Kill put a plate on another plate. "Alright, Will your next." Bill came out of the bathroom wearing his tuxedo." Mable walked over to bill. 3 minutes later Mabel was yelling at him. "What do you mean?" Bill asked. "You need like something comfy." Mable grabbed out her ruined sweaters. "Uh shooting star what are you doing?" Bill asked. "Giving you one of my large ruined sweaters." Mable grabbed out large yellow,blue,red, and purple sweaters. "Here you wear this one." Mable gave bill the yellow one. "Thanks." Bill snapped his fingers and he was in his yellow sweater. "I want one." Will got in the bathroom. "Did Will really have to go in there?" Dipper asked. "No but shhh." Mable replied. After 3 minutes Will came out and he was wearing his blue sweater. "I love it! Thank you so much!" Will started crying while smiling. "Your welcome." Mable replied. After that Tad and kill went in the bathroom except Tad pushed kill out. "It's my turn, thank you." Tad tapped kills nose. "HEY!" Kill grabbed out a knife. "Hey! No violence." Dipper dragged kill back upstairs. After 18 minutes Tad came out and kill went in the bathroom, kill came out 3 minutes later. "TAD YOU USED THE HOT WATER UP!" Kill ran towards him. "Not my fault, besides bill was in there for 10 minutes." Tad replied. "Guys! Guys! It's okay, Tad probably enjoyed the water and he was relaxing." Mable replied to them. "Actually..we need to tell you something.." bill, will, and tad said.
What happened in the bathroom
Bills turn-
"Hmmm..oh I think I switch these!" Bill turns on the switches and gets in the shower. " seems cold, but it said H so maybe they messed up." Bill said to himself, he then turned the
Wills turn-
"H-HOT!!" Will turns the hot water off then the cold water. "C-COLD!"
Tads turn-
Tad turns the page of a book will in the shower. "Huh? It's getting cold oh well."

"Oh..that's what you guys did." Mable replied. "Yeah." Bill replied. "Now what? Asked will. "We sleep." Mable replied. Kill went on the floor. "B-bill..can I sleep with you?" Will asked. "No." Bill rolled on the floor. "You guys can barrow the secret room." Dipper got up from his bed, walked downstairs, and opened a room with a couch and a bed. "See, now you guys can sleep here.." dipper was shushed by bill. "Pine tree, only 3 of us can sleep in here." Bill pointed at the couch and bed. "Or one of you can sleep with us." Mable replied. "No!" Dipper looked at her with a disgusted face. "Night guys." Will was in a big box peeking at them. "Why are you in that box?" Mable tilt her head. "It's my bed." Will replied smiling. "Okay..." Mable replied, she was a bit worried about Will. "Okay then..goodnight." Mable and dipper left while the 4 demon brothers were in the bedroom.
"So anyone wanna cause some mayhem??" Asked kill.
"NO!" Shouted the rest. "Fine." Kill replied.

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