"I hate you."
"Shut up and kiss me already."
Kim Sunoo is excited to finally go back to the summer camp he went to when he was 5 for a good 3 years before he had to move. While a boy by the name of Nishimura Riki wasn't so happy go luc...
A/N: This is going to be Jungwon and Jays POV when they walked into there cabins.
How could I not room with him? He cracks a joke almost every 3 seconds and he makes it seem like he isn't trying to be intentionally funny.
"Alright so uhm, we have bunk beds so you can pick which bed you want first." Jay said as he moved to the side to let me pick. "Hmm? I'll go with the bottom bunk" I pointed to the bed and Jay just nodded. I threw myself on the bed but then starting thinking.
Is Sunoo ok?
I mean I did just "throw" him to the side to room with someone funny.
What if he's stressed?
What if that Ni-ki guy tries something?
Sunoo wouldn't want him to be in trouble if he did something.
I hadn't realizedthat Jay was looking at me with worried eyes as I was staring at bottom of the top bunk from the bottom bunk grabbing my hair.
"H-hey are you ok?" I had turned my head and Jay looked more than worried, he made a face that you'd make when someone you loved just died. "Oh yeah sorry I was just thinking about Sunoo and if he'd be ok." Jay had made a "phew" sound but then chuckled. "Trust me he'll be ok and Ni-ki would be too scared to do something to him. Ni-ki isn't that type of guy." He stated while rubbing the back of his neck.
"Ughh! Sunoos sandwiches would kill right now" I semi yelled in annoyance. "Sandwiches?" Jay asked as he tilted his head. He reminds me of a type of bird but that just gave me lost dog vibes. "Yeah, he makes the best sandwiches but the kitchen is empty so he wouldn't be able to make them." I just looked up at the ceiling. "Well if you remember from the introduction Staff Jimin gave," I nodded as I continue to let Jay finish. "He said there was a "Lunch man" that goes by "Jin" and when we were walking to the cabin we had passed a place called 'Jins Kitchen'. There were all kinds of food in there." Jay finished as he looked into my eyes. I guess he could see my happiness because well damn, those sandwiches made me happy. "THEN LETS GO!" I yelled as I shot up from the bed. "I- alright let me get my shoes." Jay said as we both sneakily headed down the stairs to get our shoes and hoodies to head over to 'Jins Kitchen'.
"Why did that walk feel so long?" I groaned. "Don't worry you'll be fine now let's go." Jungwon giggled as he dragged me into the store.
"Ooo, First customers! Hello welcome to Jins Kitchen. I'm Jin and feel free to get whatever you want just come up to the counter if you need help or if you want me to bag your food." Jin said as he waved to us. "Hello, and thank you." Jungwon bowed as he walked away still not letting go of my hand. "So..what meat and bread do we need?" I questioned as we stood in front of the meat section. "Honey ham, turkey, salami, and we can just grab some others." Jungwon said as he started pointing them out. I nodded and had called Jin over so he could help us. "Alrighty. Is this all?" Jin asked us. "No not yet but can you hold onto that for us while we grab some other stuff?" I asked, Jin just nodded. It was my turn to drag Jungwon around the place "Food always go great with something to drink!" I stated as we stood in front of the drink section. "Yeah your right let's just grab everything we'll need for awhile." Jungwon said as he let go of my hand and went toward the boxed food area.
-15 minutes later of shopping-
"alright~ That's all I needed let's go see what Jungwon was grabbing." I said to myself as I walked over to Jungwon. It seemed people had started to notice the store because now there were around 12 campers in the 'market'. It was a big place to be in the middle of the camp so it felt nice.
Maybe I should have payed attention instead of thinking about the size of this place...
if I wasn't thinking so hard maybe I would have seen the neon yellow sign that warned "WET FLOOR".
Maybe I wouldn't have been so flustered as I find myself holding Jungwon with my hand behind his head so he wouldn't hit the wall from me bumping into him.
"Sorry. I didn't see the sign, are you ok?" I asked as I whispered that into Jungwons ear. No one had seen us so I felt less embarrassed, but all that embarrassment came back as Jungwon didn't say anything back.
I was sorta flustered knowing that Jay was holding me and whispered in my ear to make sure I was ok, but then I realized I hadn't answered him.
"Y-Yeah I'm ok. Thank you though." I said as Jay started to get and held his hand out for me the grab. "Alright that's good and sorry. I wasn't watching where I was walking." Jay mumbled out as he rubbed the back of his neck. I just giggled until I saw him pull something out his pocket and started to drink it.
"What's that?" I asked as I pointed to the bottle in his hand. "Oh this? It's honey. It helps me out when I'm stressed and stuff." I made a "o" shape then thought to myself
Why would he be stressed? Did I make him uncomfortable? I'll ask him when we're supposed to be sleep.
- 3rd pov -
They had finished shopping and went back to the cabin to be met with nothing. "Guess they're still in their room." Jay had mumbled out. "Yeah...Let's put the stuff away and then have them come downstairs. Then eat those sandwiches!" Jungwon said as he started skipping towards the kitchen. "Alright I'll text Ni-ki and have him tell Sunoo for us." Jay said as he pulled out his phone.
Glad I told you about the sandwiches and got to go to the store with you. It was worth it even if I almost got hurt.
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