"I hate you."
"Shut up and kiss me already."
Kim Sunoo is excited to finally go back to the summer camp he went to when he was 5 for a good 3 years before he had to move. While a boy by the name of Nishimura Riki wasn't so happy go luc...
-🦊- Sunoo's Pov: We had all made it to the campsite. Everything was so pretty it's like everything complemented everything else. The way the woods were perfectly scattered with the weeds, flowers, and I guess fruits.
We had started waking up a path that would lead us to our cabins. The staff explained when we would get to the top he would introduce himself and then hand out our tickets that would tell us our cabins.
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(A/N: This is what the path they were walking on looked liked)
"Hey Sunoo, I got a question.." Jake asked while me he grabbed my hand so he would be holding me and Jungwon hands. "Yeah what's up?" He then looked me in the eyes and turned his face back to the front and continued "Well, I heard you used to come here when you were a kid so is this what is was like because it's really cool" I giggled a little "No it wasn't this pretty. When I went here is more rundown and we didn't have paths like this we had to walk around the woods, and we would continue to find termites in our cabin walls every other night" Jungwon looked disgusted. "I swear if we have to deal with that heat I'm leaving." We all started laughing loudly and started getting weird looks from the people around us. A guy I had recognized had looked me straight in my eye, it seemed that he had scoffed and turned his head back.
"Why does his face keep popping up. There not the same person. even if they are I don't care I hate him."
We continued walking until we made it to our destination.
"Alright girlies and Guyies here are your cabins nothing much just basic stuff" Everyone could tell that the staff was being sarcastic, The cabins were far from basic. They were basically houses.
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(A/N: This is what the cabin looked like thank you Pinterest)
"Yeah, We built these" The staff person said rather confidently, which had us all giggly. "Alrighty so I'm you main staff worker. Jimin, Park Jimin. You can just call me Jimin though. All the other staff can introduce themselves." After Jimin had finished his speech the other staff started stating their names. At the end of the we ended up finding out the staffs names are Jimin, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hobi. We have a gym teacher, Jungkook. Then there's the lunch man, Jin. Then just the fun one, Taehyung. They handed out our tickets and Jimin started explaining how everything works. "Alright so first off find your cabins by yourself we're busy men ok. Now each cabin has a number and letter on is so whoever has "D5" your cabin is behind me. So just look for your number. You'll see the signs that separate them." We all started looking around at the signs as they organized the numbers and letters which made things way easier. "Last thing. You will not be changing cabins no matter what. Unless you know your cabin mate tries something your not ok with, but don't just ask to move because you don't like that person." Everyone seemed to like Jimin, he was genuinely funny and we knew we could trust him with our problems. "Alright thats it. have fun looking for your cabins." After Jimin said that we all started running around trying to find our cabins.
"Sunoo! What letter-number did you get?" Jungwon said jumping up and down with Jake. "Uhh I got "E7" What about you guys?" Sunoo just had to look at there facial expressions that Jungwon was in his room and Jake wasn't. "Aww man I'm gonna be all alone" Jake groaned. I gave him a tight ass hug and told him. "No matter what TEXT ME IF ANYTHING HAPPENS." Jungwon was nodding aggressively next to me, while Jake was just laughing. We parted ways and made our way to the cabin. As we walked in we had noticed that our "roommates" had already made there way in. "So they just leave the dirty luggage on the floor. Annoying as fuck already." Jungwon said annoyed as he hung his jacket up and put his suitcase next to stairs along with mine. "Maybe there nice people?" I said trying to cheer him up but before he could reply all we heard were squeals and screams. "AHH BRO LOOK AT HOW BIG THIS ROOM IS" "NO WAY! HA MY ROOM IS BIGGER" "SUCKS THAT WERE SHARING BUT IM NOT COOKING" "JAY YOUR COOKING! YOUR THE DESCENT CHEF BETWEEN US." "SHUT UP MAYBE THEY CAN COOK." I grew annoyed and yelled "MAYBE YOU COME DOWN HERE AND CLEAN YOUR MESS UP!" Jungwon starting laughing his ass off has he heard quiet coughs and foot steps come down the stairs.
Everything seemed to stop in that spilt second. I made eye contact with the boy that reminded me of him. We just stood there staring at eachother as I guess his name is Jay said "So can you guys cook?"
yeah..it's messy but that's MEEE ANYWAY HOPED YOU ENJOYED BYE.
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