(A/N: So I'm writing on my computer again and the format I usually follow may be all over the place since I'm not used to writing on computer. Also sorry to mobile readers if the paragraphs seem long- they don't seem long on the computer. The amount of times I said computer makes me a little angry- oh well enjoy also excuse how I'll be making Sunoo have a little break down..)-🐆-
Yeah I shocked but wasn't at the same time..of course a message like that being sent to anyone would hurt their feelings or someone with a soft heart like Sunoo would start crying but I never expected to have Sunoo gripping onto my shirt for dear life balling his eyes out in my chest.. I don't know if it was the fact that K had said it or that Sunoo had to receive such a message anyway. I'm trying hardest to comfort him, tracing circles on his back, whispering sweet things to him, hugging him tighter than I already was. I've only seen Sunoo like this once and that was when we were young at camp.
"I don't want him! Keep him for fucks sake I could care less about that piece of shit!" After she said that she drove off making sure to roll her window down and flip off my parents. Luckliy that wasn't Sunoo's parents..but sadly it was his aunt. "Auntie Rei" To be exact. She's never liked Sunoo. Sunoo knew that, he always tried to tell his parents but they would always ignore him and tell him hes at the age where he thinks everyone hates him.
Aunt Rei was different, she made sure to tell Sunoo over and over that she didn't like him. When Sunoo would be forced to sleep over at her house because his parents were on a trip she'd take all the blankets and trap him the room keeping the lights off and locking the door. Yeah, now Sunoo would have just gotten up and turn the light on, but no that Sunoo was completely terrified. I felt horrible for Sunoo, no one should have to go through that especially as a child.
My parents tried telling Sunoos parents but they would just ignored it and say that Auntie Rei was going through something. They had asked my parents if Sunoo could stay with them after Summer break until we go back to camp. My parents happily agreed since they believed Sunoo was being neglected. He wasn't at his parents house but surely at his aunts.
"Don't worry Ddeuno! You'll be safe with us! I'll always be here to protect you, just yell my name and I'll come flying in! Super hero Riki~ to the recuse!" Ni-ki happily yelled as he tried to cheer Sunoo up. Sunoo looked up at him with glistening big doe eyes and gave one of his crescent eyed smiles "Thank you hero Riki~" Sunoo said.
-End of Flashback-
After I finished my train of thoughts thinking about why that message could have hurt him like that, then it clicked. His aunt hated him and always told him horrible things. I wouldn't be shocked if she said something to him that related to that message. "Shh Ddeuno its going to be alright. Super hero Riki~ is here to save you." I whispered into his ear. Of course I had to change the wording up just a little bit to make it make sense but Sunoo got the message and looked up at me. It seemed that this was a replay of the moment we had when we were younger right after Sunoo said "Thank you hero Riki~
Sunoo soon fell asleep in my arms, while he was sleeping and of course I was cuddling him. We had an unspoken rule where I'd be the big spoon and he'd be the little spoon. Jay and Jungwon thought it was like that because I was taller but that isn't the reason. Sunoo just said he likes my warmth and enjoys being held by me.
I felt my eyelids getting heavy as I was about to enter dream land until my phone went off, many times..
-Incoming Facetime-

Summer Camp; Sunki
Romance"I hate you." "Shut up and kiss me already." °•°•°•°•° Kim Sunoo is excited to finally go back to the summer camp he went to when he was 5 for a good 3 years before he had to move. While a boy by the name of Nishimura Riki wasn't so happy go luc...