(I hope I finish this in time so it can be a double update because chapter 30 is next and I want to finish it by then. This chapter might be long asf or maybe not.. ANYWAYS CONTIUNING FROM K AND HANBIN)
-K's POV-
It's been over 2 weeks now..Hanbin hasn't said a single word to me and has avoided me at all cost. I'm pretty sure he's mad at me. Before he got mad he would always wake me up with a cold cup of water in his hand a big smile slapped on his face, and of course a sweet little good morning. But now..If I say "good morning" to him he just looks at me and scoffs. I need to fix this fast, I've been feeling so empty without him, he's always there with me and I miss him... I need him.
After about 2 hours I finally was able to convince Niki to meet me at the mall plaza thing to help me with something. He told me he be a few minutes late because he's doing something. Probably helping Sunoo, too he honest I got over him pretty fast after Hanbin had stopped talking to me. I find Sunoo and Niki's relationship cute and adorable, but whenever they catch me staring they all start glaring at me thinking I'm checking Sunoo out. Like uhm no. I'm fanboying over Sunki being cute and adorable.
And yes, I'm Sunki's #1 Fan.
A lot of people, if they were to just find out about everything they'd probably think I'm trying something since I just suddenly became all "YES SUNKI" this and that but I don't really care. I just want Sunoo and Niki to have a happy relationship without my delulu self ruining everything. I've been sitting in the starbucks for about 30 minutes waiting for Niki. I was starting to think he "stood me up" because it would be weird for him to go talk/hangout with the person that basically harassed his boyfriend, which I truly am sorry for and will apologize for if Niki ever shows up.
I snap out my thoughts as the door busted open with a winded Niki walking and sitting across from me trying to catch his breath, maybe he ran here? I hear all the girl that were in the building whispering and secretly talking pictures of Niki. To bad for you he's taken by none other then the Kim Sunoo, and he's probably beat all your asses for doing this to Niki.
"I- Niki are you ok? Did you run all the way from your Cabin to here?" I ask as I handed him my cup of water I had asked for while waiting for him. "Y-Yeah Jay and Jungwon were holding me back telling me not to go and to think about Sunoo, but S-Sunoo said he wanted me to go so he had to pry them off of me so I could leave. But by the time I walked out the door I saw how late I was so I started running over." Niki said as he chugged down my drink there goes my water.. "W-Well it would have been fine if you didn't want to go..I had a feeling you didn't want to." I said. Niki looked me in the eyes a sighed. "No that's not it. At first, hell yeah I didn't want to go but you seemed really desperate and Sunoo wanted me to make up with you. Yadi yada." Niki said as he placed the empty cup of water down. "Now go ahead. I know you want to say it all in one go." Niki stated as he rested his head on his hand.
"Alright." I started, "I'm really sorry for everything I've done it was completely wrong of me and It took me too long to realize that. After Hanbin had yelled and went off on me I knew I was crazy. When we're doing activities I promise you I'm not checking out Sunoo I'm actually fanboying over your relationship seeing how cute you guys are with each other which probably doesn't make sense on why I changed so fast but once again it was Hanbin he yelled some sense into me. I had asked you to hang for 2 things, one to apologize which I did and It's ok if you don't accept it. 2, because I need your help with my feelings since I'm confused." I said as I started taking deep breaths since that was a lot to say without taking any breaks. I look up to face Niki and he looks like he's struggling to hold back a laugh.
"Yeah it took you long enough but I forgive you and accept your apology. I can tell you didn't practice what you were going to say and just decided to wing it and say what you wanted from the heart." Niki said as he threw on his hoodie, it was getting a little cold in here. "But yeah what feelings do you want to talk about?" Niki asked as he leaned onto the table. I gulped and was ready to tell him.

Summer Camp; Sunki
Romance"I hate you." "Shut up and kiss me already." °•°•°•°•° Kim Sunoo is excited to finally go back to the summer camp he went to when he was 5 for a good 3 years before he had to move. While a boy by the name of Nishimura Riki wasn't so happy go luc...