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(A/N: I know I already updated but I just wanna write some more)


"Ddeunoo~ Come on let's just listen to the audio~" I yell out as I walked around the cabin trying to find Sunoo. For the past 2 days I've been trying to convince Sunoo to listen to the audio he sent to Jungwon by accident but he keeps running away just at the mention of "audio". "NO!" Sunoo yelled out. I chuckled to myself now knowing where Sunoo was from his scream. I run to the bathroom before he could run out. As I walk up to the door I see Sunoo trying to sneak out, I chuckled to myself as I softly pushed Sunoo back into the bathroom as I walked in and closed the door behind me.


Of course I had to make sure it was locked. I pulled the earbuds out my pocket as I held both of them up in front of Sunoo he just sighed in defeat. "Fine..but only this once and I MEAN ONLY THIS ONCE and don't get mad at me if I pull the earbud out my ear." Sunoo said as he slid down the wall and moved over a bit so there would be room for me to sit next to him. "Hehe If you pull the earbud out your ear we're just going to re-listen. We need to hear the full thing." I giggled to myself as I sat next to him. "This is going to be so embarrassing.." Sunoo mumbled.

-20 Minutes later-

"FINALLY! WE FINISHED." Sunoo yelled as he stood up and stretched. "This would have only took 35 seconds, IF YOU DIDN'T KEEP PULLING THE EARBUD OUT." I said adding emphasis on the last part as I stood up the stretch. "Aww~ Don't be mad" Sunoo said as he cupped my face. "I'm not.." I mumbled since I couldn't talk properly because of Sunoo. "Yes you are, how about I make it up to you by..hmm? OH! Making you and only you a few sandwiches?" Sunoo asked me and I already knew my eyes lit up. "Yup! That will make me forgive you!" I said as I did a little happy dance. "Hey, stop dancing and face me for a second." Sunoo giggled as I turned my face and looked at him confused.


"If we ever make out again we're not doing it near ANY phones." Sunoo said as he skipped out of the bathroom leaving me just standing there flustered. "Weird how you can get flustered from Sunoo just giving you a peck on the lips when you guys started making out two nights ago..." I snap out my thoughts as I look up to see Jay leaning on the door smirking. "Shut up." I said as I walked past him. "mhm yeah" He did one of his cocky laughs as he singled me to sit next to him on the couch. I followed and sat next to him to notice him fiddling with his fingers. "You look like a shy girl about to confess to her crush!" I laughed out as he glared at me. "Shut up! I need your help.. with something." Jay said which made me stop laughing right off to bat to focus.

"I..uhm..want to ask wonie out..." Jay stuttering was shocking enough but him wanting to ask Jungwon out? Wasn't shocking in the least. "Then just do it. Me and Sunoo have walked into you guys cuddling multiple times." I said as I rested my feet on the foot rest. "We don't cuddle!" Jay tried to defend but I pulled out my phone and showed the picture.

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