Chapter Four

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I sent a text to Ty, asking if he could pick me up from the restaurant where we were eating. He had the week off, so he had much free time on his hands. He said sure. After we’d paid the bill, the others began to make their way to the car. Ty pulled up just as we began walking to the car,

“You go on ahead, I have to run a quick errand” I said, waving at Ty.

            I got into his car and asked if he could drive me to Tom’s house. The drive was short and we managed to fill the silence with talk of the wedding. He also noticed that I seemed a bit more stressed than usual.

“I’m fine, really” I insisted.

“Don’t work yourself too hard, boo” he said as we pulled up to Tom’s flat.

I nodded.

“Can you wait here? I should only be ten minutes” I asked.

“Take your time, I’ll be here” he shrugged, leaning back in his seat and turning up the radio.

            I got out of the car and walked up the steps to the front door. Before I could stick my key in the lock, the door opened and there stood Tom in a white wife beater and sweats. He had a beer in his free hand as he smiled and pulled me inside.

“Hey” I beamed, hugging.

“Hey you” he replied quietly, kissing the top of my head.

“What did you want to talk about?” I asked as we sat in the living room.

He set his beer down and stared at his hands in deep thought.

“Tom? What’s wrong?” I asked, noticing his unease.

“How long do you have before the wedding?” he asked slowly, not looking at me.

“Seven months. Why?” I asked, worried about his strange behavior.

He sighed and ran a hand over his face with a groan.

“Tori, you know that I love you and that you’re one of the most important things in my life…” he started.

I nodded, not sure where this was going.

“And I mean this with the most sincerity” he continued “I…I don’t think marriage is right for you and Nath yet” he said slowly, finally looking up at me.

His eyes were honest and weary.

“What?” I asked, confused.

“You’re both so young; you’ve got the rest of your lives ahead of you” he said.

“You don’t approve?” I asked, starting to get defensive.

“If I didn’t approve, do you think Nath would still be living with you?” he asked rhetorically.

“Then what are you trying to say?” I asked sharply.

“What I’m trying to say is… Nath’s young and can be stupid at times; you’re young and have a successful life with dancing or your perfume or whatever the hell you want. Marriage can weigh you down, lovely, I’m just trying to look out for you” he said, reaching out to grab my hand, but I jerked it away from him.

“How can you be saying this?” I asked, hurt, that my own blood, Nath’s best friend was telling me this.

“Look at the two of you, you’re both still kids at heart and marriage is going to change all that. I’m not asking you to break up with him, no….I’m just asking that you wait a while longer” he spoke slowly, taking my hand as I let him this time “if you move too quickly, you might end up making the biggest mistake of your life and I don’t want to see you hurt…please, just consider waiting a while longer.”

            I don’t know what came over me. I was hurt and couldn’t think straight. I didn’t mean for it to happen. I didn’t mean to say it, but it just… came out…

“We’ve been waiting almost a year!” I said sharply.

“What?” he asked baffled.

“We got married in Vegas when we were drunk. Those rings we wore, they were engagement rings. Tom, Nath and I have been married for almost a year now and we’re fine!” I snapped, standing up, the frustration of the planning and the stress building up until I finally snapped.

            Tom’s eyes widened as the meaning of my words kicked in. In a split second he went from gentle and caring to angry and ready to kill something,

“Tom…T-Tom, calm down, let me explain” I said, losing all anger and it being replaced with fear, for me and for Nathan.

“Are you fucking serious?! Why the hell didn’t anyone tell me?! How could you keep something like this from me?! From your family?! From everyone! Victoria, how stupid could you be to do something that reckless! I honestly thought you were above that! And Nathan! I’m going to kill him!” he yelled, his rage showing by the red of his face and the strength of his voice.

For once in my life I was truly scared Tom would hurt me. And it brought tears to my eyes.

“I’m sorry… I should have told you, please don’t be mad” I pleaded, blinking the salty drops away.

He was breathing hard, his anger still there.

“It was a drunken mistake, everyone went along with it because we were all so plastered” I explained through gasps and blinking back tears.

            I gripped his hands and stood close to him, looking up as the rage still filled his eyes. I was still scared of him, but not as much as a few moments ago,

“Please don’t say anything, when you guys go back to America, he was going to take me with him, we’d go to the church where we were married when you perform in Vegas, and get everything undone” I explained “I promise “ I added in a fearful whisper.

He wasn’t angry now, just upset.

“Alright” he sighed “alright… I’m sorry for yelling at you” he added, pulling me to him with a sigh and kissing the top of my head.

I nodded.

“I still want you to think about what I said. You’re young, Tor-bear, you’ve got your whole life ahead of you. At least think about waiting. Marriage is a big thing and I’m not sure you and Nath are ready for that” he said.

            In my mind, I could hear my brothers saying the same thing. They were always the ones with the clearer heads when it came to me, but when it was them; they were as carefree as I was right now. Veronica didn’t get this talk from the family because she was married at twenty-four. I was still nineteen and couldn’t even drink legally in the states.

“I’ll think about it” I reassured him.

“Thank you. Now…get going before Ty has falls asleep in the car” he said, brushing the stray tears away.

“I love you” I sighed, hugging him.

“Love you too, Lovely” he sighed, hugging me tight.

            I gathered my things and walked out of the flat, down the steps, and into the passenger’s seat of Ty’s car. He jerked at the sound of the door opening, but relaxed when he saw me,

“Have you been crying?” he asked once I settled into the seat and shut the door.

“Yeah” I mumbled, pulling out my compact mirror and wiping away the tears.

“What’s wrong, boo?” he asked.

“Nothing… Tom and I… we had a disagreement of sorts” I shrugged.

“He didn’t hurt you, did he?” he asked.

“No, he would never hurt me… he just…startled me” I sighed.

            Ty knew when I didn’t want to talk about something. He sighed before starting the car and turning onto the road. I sat quietly, staring out the window in thought.

Beautiful In White - A Nathan Sykes FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now