Chapter Nine

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~6 Days before the Wedding~

“Mom” I beamed, hugging her just minutes after her plane landed.

“Tori” she replied just as happily, hugging me tighter.

“Mrs. Fey” Nathan nodded, respectfully.

“Nathan, sweetheart, for the last time, call me Jennifer” she smirked, shaking her head before giving him a hug.

“Aunt Jen” Tom smiled, hugging her as well.

“Tommy” she chuckled.

I was happy everyone was getting along…so far…

“Where is everyone?” I asked, noticing she came up to us alone.

“Oh, the boys are getting the bags, Veronica’s had to take a call and Anna’s with your father” she shrugged as Tom took her bags.

            We chatted for a bit longer. My mom told us about her flight and asked about us, simple conversational subjects. I know we might have waited a bit longer than necessary to fly my parents out, but they were both so busy and my dad had just signed a new artist, so he had his hands tied until now. Nathan’s family drove in last week and was enjoying the city of London. Last I checked the majority of our guests were checked into the hotels we booked and were taken care of.

“There’s my little sister!” Ryan practically screamed, earning a few strange glances from passerby’s.

“Shh” I hissed at him as he hugged me.

He lifted me slightly off the ground as he hugged me.

“Tor” Luke nodded, giving me a light hug as he came up behind Ryan.

“Tori” Mason beamed, giving me a full hug.

            After my brothers greeted me, their attention turned to Nathan who stood casually by Tom, chatting with our mother. This was always an encounter I wished would run smoothly, but I knew it wouldn’t because my brothers loved to mess with Nath. Why, I don’t know, I guess they found it amusing in some way.

“So…Nathan…how have you been?” Mason asked, using his “I’m a police officer” voice just to scare my fiancé.

“Stop” I smirked, hitting my brother on the arm lightly.

They all shook hands, still not being the most comfortable with each other.

“There’s my princess” my father’s voice drifted.

            I turned from messing with my brothers to see my father and youngest sister heading towards us. Anna went straight for Tom while I skidded over to my dad, feeling like I was a little girl again and he’d just come back from a business trip,

“Daddy” I breathed, wrapping him in a hug.

“How are you, sweetheart?” he asked, hugging me back just as tightly.

“Great” I nodded as he led me over to our group.

“Aiden” he nodded to my fiancé.

“Nathan” I corrected him quietly.

“Right, sorry” my father apologized quickly, shaking Nathan’s hand.

“Sir” Nathan nodded respectfully.

“Tori!” Anna squeaked as I lifted her into my arms.

“Hello, how’s my flower girl been?” I questioned with a smile.

            She started going on about the plane ride and everything else that happened while I’ve been gone. It was so great to just hear my family’s chatter again; it reminded me of home and made my heart ache for Miami,

“Where’s your sister?” my mom asked once we were all loaded in the rental van.

“She flew in last week and has been working with Dina non-stop” I rolled my eyes.

“Do you have your dress?” she asked, slipping into business mode.

“Yes, mother” I sighed with a smirk.

“Nathan, Tom, you and the boys have your tuxes, right?” she went on.

“Yeah, of course” Tom nodded, along with Nathan.

            That was the entire car ride, my mother double checking with everyone and everything. I was thankful when we arrived at the hotel and got my family checked in, making sure they were settled into their room. Tom left to take the van back and get the car, leaving Nathan and I with my family,

“So, do you know where everyone is?” Luke asked, sitting next to me on Anna’s bed.

Nathan sat on the other side of me.

“Uncle Jamie is on the third floor, Mark and Kim are a few doors down, Lindsey and Christina are on the fifth floor, and of course the rest of the family is spread out” I rolled my eyes, leaning against him casually.

“Ugh, you invited Christina” Ryan groaned, sitting on the bed across from us.

“Mom did” I grumbled.

That got a few more groans.

“Christina’s our cousin from New York, not really well liked” I whispered to Nathan, sine he seemed confused.

He nodded.

“So, Nigel, are your family in town already?” my father asked, sitting by Ryan.

“Nathan, sir” he corrected hesitantly “and yeah, they came in last week.”

“Tori, we must go to the church and set up angles for the photographer” my mom piped in, looking up from her phone.

“Yes, mom” I said in the sweetest strained tone.

My brothers snickered.

“Tom’s downstairs, love” Nathan said quietly.

My savior.

“Well, we must be going, still allot of things to do” I sighed “call us if you need anything and you know where to find us” I added, pulling Nathan out of room as quickly as possible.

“Slow down, babe, the building’s not on fire” Nath chuckled as I pulled him down the stairs and to the elevator.

“I forgot how insane my mom could be” I mumbled as he wrapped his arms around me, gently rocking us side-to-side.

He gently kissed the top of my head.

“Six days” he sighed into my hair.

I wrapped my arms around him

“I’m feeling so many things” I mumbled into his shoulder.

“Like?” he inquired.

“Fearful, nervous, excited, joyful, intimidated…” I trailed off.

When the elevator dinged, he pulled me inside and thankfully we were alone.

“You have no need to be nervous” he said quietly, gripping my chin and tilting my head back to look up at him “you’ll be the perfect example of a beautiful bride, the ceremony will be wonderful, the reception will be amazing, and then we’ll be off on a plane to Italy” he reassured me, pecking my nose.

He always managed to know what to say when I needed to hear it.

“I love you” I said quietly, kissing him.

“Mmh, I love you too” he mumbled against my lips.

Six days…I think I might pass out before I make it to three days…

Beautiful In White - A Nathan Sykes FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now