Chapter Eleven

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            The boys were all ready to go, dressed and fairly awake. We all stumbled outside to see the car Mr. Fey came to pick us up in. It was more like a small limo than a simple car. He was waiting in the back seat inside, Nareesha sat in the front giving direction the chauffeur. The man only landed yesterday and here he was picking us up with his chauffer,

“So, Nicholas, how are you feeling?” he asked, looking at me.

I mentally sighed.

“Nathan, sir” I said hesitantly “and…I’m feeling…nervous, honestly” I shrugged.

“Don’t worry, the worst part is the few minutes before the actual wedding, trust me, I’ve done this four times” he winked, clapping me on the shoulder.

I nodded with a weak smile.

“Hey, Neesha, since we’re picking up everything, what are the girls doing?” Jay asked.

“Hair, nails, make-up, setting up spots with the photographer, making final payments, and…other stuff” she explained, texting on her phone.

            We drove around all of bloody London that morning, haircuts, picking up tuxes, shoes, rings for the ceremony, Ty was also texting constantly, working things out with the hired DJ and helping set up the venue for the reception. Nareesha had us on lockdown from two to five at my place to prevent someone from being late or something going wrong. Of course the lads lounged about, watching tele. I couldn’t sit still, too nervous,

“Jayden, son, maybe you should sit down” Mr. Fey suggested, motioning towards the empty spot on the couch.

“Nathan” I corrected him for maybe the twenty-second time today and just shook my head at his offer.

Will this man ever learn my name?

“Mate, you really should take a seat, you look like you’re about to pass out” Tom tried, grabbing my shoulder and forcing me to sit.

            Around four, Nareesha came back with food. I didn’t feel hungry but the boys still forced me to eat something. My legs felt weak, my stomach felt empty, and I think I was going to pass out,

“Alright, you boys get dressed, the limo will pick you up in forty minutes, Mr. Fey, let’s go” Neesha said, pushing us up the stairs with our clothes in hand.

HELP! I need vow ideas, leave some words, phrases, lyrics, or quotes in the comments, please and thank you :D

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