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It's late at night and Dorian can't find herself to sleep she feels restless and uncomfortable. So she walks around the palace for a while.
" I might not see this place for a long time," she thought to herself already missing the home she grew up in. The only home she ever knew. She is now thinking of her mother. The mother she doesn't remember but she can't blame herself because her mother left her when she was just a year old.

"Can't sleep??" Adrian asked while walking up to Dorian.

"Yes, brother. I can't find myself to sleep. I'm thinking about our mother. I never thought much of her but now I can't help but wonder what she looks like if she's beautiful, if I look like her or if she even thinks of me or loves me"

" I might not remember much about our mother but I'm sure she loves us very much," Adrian said with confidence as he hugs Dorian tightly.

"Go to bed now, little sister, and remember we leave at first light"

Dorian nodded and Adrian offered to walk her to her chambers.

It's morning and Jarvis came to wake up Dorian

"Morning milady"

"Morning Jarvis. Why are you here so early in the morning??" Dorian asked

"Don't tell me you forgot. We are fleeing the city soon.

" oh I prayed that was all a dream" Dorian said sadly

Dorian looked at the two children at Jarvis's back.

"Pardon me milady. These are my siblings
Aquila and Nicasia.

" Nice to met you girls"

"Milady," Aquila the older sister said while Nicasia the little one just bowed her head.

"Please call me Dorian or sister damn those formalities," Dorian said

"Okay, milady... I mean Lady Dorian" Aquila said shyly.

"Oh, I see you are going to be like your sister always calling me lady. It's okay though. Whatever makes you comfortable.
Aquila is a young girl. A girl of fifteen. She is so beautiful with her blonde hair that every one of the sisters seems to have.

"Nicasia dear. Please lift your head." Dorian asked sweetly

"Morning milady," She said softly

Naciasa is five years old and she is really shy
"Little one. How are you?"

"I'm fine"

"You need to prepare. Daybreak is near."

"I have prepared your bath for you,"  Jarvis said.

Dorian nodded and went to the bathtub where Jarvis bathed her.
After the bath Dorian carried a few clothes in her bag. Mostly shirts and trousers but also took two gowns and two boots along with her.

She wore trousers, a shirt, and some boots. She packed her hair in a ponytail and braided it.

"Jarvis, take some of my clothes with you and Aquila too. Take as many as you can carry.

"Thank you milady," Jarvis and Aquila said.

Dorian had kept the dagger that the Queen had given her in one of the boots she was wearing and took her sword with her.

"Take a sword Jarvis. Traveling is not very safe. There are thieves and robbers everywhere" Dorian said and Jarvis nodded and took a sword with her.

They are now done and making their way to the Queen's chambers.

As they got to the Queen's chambers, the guard guarding the room announced to the Queen that Lady Dorian and some peasants were here to see her, and the Queen told them to come in.

"Good morning your grace" Dorian said bowing and Jarvis and her sisters bowed their heads not looking up at all.

"My Queen, how are you?"

"I'm fine my dear. Are you ready?"

"I am my Queen"
Dorian looked to the other side of the room and saw her brother.

"Brother. Good morning"

"Morning little sister. Adrian said to her

" Who are they," the Queen asked referring to Jarvis, Aquila, and Nasacia.

"This is Jarvis my handmaiden and her sisters"

"I was wondering if they could come with us," Dorian said.

"Can you trust them?" The Queen asked.

"I trust them with my life your grace" Dorian replied

"very well then as long as you trust them," Queen Aries said with a smile on her face
" Go now, everyone. Prepare the horses and leave"

"We will do just that your grace," Adrian said bowing while Dorian ran to hug the Queen.
"I will miss you very much. I might have another mother but you would always be my mother" she said and the Queen hugged her back almost in tears.

" Take care of your sister Adrian." Queen Aries said and he nodded.

Everyone left the room and went to the stables.

"Can you ride a horse" Dorian turned and asked Aquila?

" As fast as the wind milady" Aquila replied

After arranging their bags on the horses they rode north to whitstone and Naciasa rode with Jarvis while everyone else rode alone.

After hours of riding, they decided to set up camp. It was already sunset and everyone was tired.

"Go gather some firewoods. Aquila and I would make the tent so Jarvis, Adrian please get some firewood" Dorian said

"Sure," Adrian said and walked with Jarvis to find firewood.
Jarvis bumped into Adrian causing them to fall.
" I am deeply sorry my Lord " Jarvis said embarrassed getting off of Adrian.

" You are such a  clutz. Are you a lady at all?? Learn to walk well.

" I am sorry Adrian. It was an accident" Jarvis said looking more embarrassed.

"You would refer to me as My Lord" Adrian said looking as furious as ever.

"Yes my Lord"

Jarvis and Adrian gathered lots of firewood and are now returning to the campsite. Adrian allowed Jarvis to carry all the firewood all by herself without helping her in any way which made Jarvis furious.

"Please would you help me with the firewood?" Jarvis said

"You are a servant you should carry it.. how can you even ask me to do such"

Jarvis is now extremely angry so she drops all the firewood on the ground and Adrian turns to look at her confused.

"Yes I'm a servant, I am the handmaiden to your sister, my father is not a Lord and my mother is not a lady but we are the same you and I. Our parents are not Lords or ladies the only difference between us is that you are under the Queen's favor so stop acting like you are better than me" Jarvis said furiously and Adrian looks at her in shock.

Jarvis started packing the firewood from the ground.
"Are you going to help me or what?" Jarvis asked.

Adrian looked at her for a while before helping her pack the firewood.

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