Stars stop shining

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Elowyn walked to the grill and went inside. She walked over to the bar and sat down next to some old dude.
" hey Matt!" She yelled waving him over.
" yes Elle?" He asked knowing exactly what she was going to order.
Elowyn put her finger on her lip, unsure of what she was going order.
" she'll have a hotdog and a vanilla milkshake with-" ric said walking over to her but got cut off by Damon rudely
" a cherry and a bowl off cherries on the side." She rolled her eyes, as Damon told the old man to go sit somewhere else. Damon and ric sat together beside elowyn. " why are you here?" She said hungry
" don't sound so happy to see me Winnie." She laughed
" he's here because he got kicked out of the house for now." Ric admitted
Elowyn laughed at the fact that he somehow managed to get kicked out of his own house.
" here you go Elle." Matt said handing Elowyn her food.
" thanks Matt." He nodded and walked away, she picked up a cherry and lifted it up to her mouth to eat when a certain British accent was made known.

" hello love." Klaus said she giggled and turned around to face him.
" hi nik."
He smiled and turned to face the shocked men sitting beside Elowyn.
" I've come to tell you that the sacrifice will happen tonight."
" maybe let's just postpone the holy sacrifice thing maybe in a month or now." Damon said seriously
" you are kidding? He's kidding right?"
Klaus laughed at the fact that he would ever hold off on the thing he's been waiting for for so long.
" no he's not." Ric said mad that this whole thing was happening in the first Place. Elowyn got up and took her milkshake, Before turning and leaving she set down a 20$ bill on the bar counter for Matt. She walked to the door with her milkshake. She walked to around until she found a beautiful flower garden with water fountains sprouting water. She sat down on the bench and drank her milkshake whilst admiring the peacefulness and serenity of her surroundings.
She was thinking about him....

She was thinking about nik.
She didn't understand how someone who has done so many horrible things to her friends could take up so much of her focus.

She was doing her normal, just overthinking when she heard twigs snap. She stayed where she was, showing no fear or vulnerability.
She recognized the scent of the particular person, it was him.

" nik just come out." She sighed not knowing if he was stuck or just annoying.
He walked in with a smug smirk on his gorgeous face. Ughhhh that smirk, it got her every time.
" why are you here?!" She asked calmly
" I wanted to check on you." He replied
" I'm fine, so if you don't mind I would like to get back to my thinking."
" what's on your mind?"
You, she wanted to say but she's didn't.
" I- I, why do you send your time with me? I mean you shouldn't want to I'm friends with your enemies." Elowyn was really curious to find out, she didn't understand him. But she wanted to.
"I need a reason." He said harshly
" okay nice talking to you, I'm leaving."
Elowyn said angry, it was a simple question but no he had to answer with rudeness. She went to walk away but he grabbed her wrists and forced her to stay.
" Nik! Let me go, just stop." He looked even more agitated now. He dug his fingers into her arms, holding her even tighter now.
" i can't have you interfere... I've been waiting for this for too long."
" NIK LET ME GO." She screamed as One singular tear dropped out of her gorgeous jade green eyes onto her beautifuly rosy cheeks, he reached up to wipe it off but she slapped his hand away.
" No! You don't get to do that." She yelled. It started raining.

The rain poured from the clouds, symbolizing her sadness and anger.
" Elowyn calm down." He said beginning to calm down, himself.
" NO! You don't fucking get to tell me to calm down! You- you were the one who did this! You!" She was fuming with anger, she was released from his grip when vines wrapped around him pulling him backwards as the lightning began to strike. Elowyn crumpled, she had her face in her palms. She couldn't let Klaus see her cry again. The lightning began to stop aswell as the rain. The vines released Klaus and he sped over to her.
"Please just leave." She said sadly
" I'm sorry love." He said reaching up to knock her unconscious.she thought differently.
" do it, I'm not afraid..... but before you do I just want to say that I'm sorry, you don't deserve it but I feel I need to say it." Elowyn gave him permission to kill her. He would Never kill her, maybe hurt her, never kill her. In his mind how he was hurting her was actually protecting her.
He knocked her unconscious, her limp body fell onto the ground. Klaus reached down to wipe the stray hair away from her Face. " I'm sorry love. I couldn't let you get hurt, I'm trying to protect you." He admitted before picking her up bridal style and speeding her to the place where the sacrifice would happen. He tied her arms and legs so she couldn't leave. And sped away.

Okay I do know this is probably just a big pile of words but I really tried I promise.

I hope you like this and I appreciate each and every single one of you for reading this, voting, commenting or adding it to your library!
Thank you!


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