Chapter Twelve Lessons and Secrets

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I couldn't wait for my lesson with Aragorn, but I wasn't sure how to act after I overheard some of their conversation last night. Did Aragorn have feelings for me? I had breakfast with my father and siblings, but noticed Aragorn and Bilbo missing. It was a rather quiet breakfast.
"Where's Bilbo and Aragorn?" I asked, trying to break the silence. Elladan looked at me.
"I'm sure Aragorn is getting ready for your lesson," Elladan muttered.
"And Bilbo is free to do what he wants here," Elrond said.
"Plus he's also 111 which is very old for a hobbit. He tends to sleep in I'm sure," Elrond added. I turned back to my bowl of porridge, which was a mixture of herbs I was supposed to eat to help my shoulder, but I didn't feel like eating. I think Elrond noticed. I then hurried up and forced myself to eat it, trying not to look at the rest.
"Oh, look at the sun, I'll be late," I said as I left, trying not to speed walk.
"If you hurt your shoulder again I-" I started to hear Elrond yell after me. I didn't bother to listen, as I was grinning.
** at the table
Elrond sighed.
"I'm too old to deal with young elves like her," Elrond sighed.
"You're not old father. You're tired from healing," Arwen said.
"I'd prefer if you wouldn't announce that to everyone," he said looking at his children.
"Course not father," Elladan said.
*** Bella 
I tried not to flat out run to my first lesson with Aragorn. I was supposed to meet him in my father's library. It was filled with scrolls and ancient texts as I gazed around the room and saw Aragorn reading a book.
"You're early," he said, not looking up from the book.
"Well breakfast was boring," I said. He closed his book and looked at me.
"Well why don't we make things more interesting then?" He grinned as I returned it.
"What weapon are you going to show me first?" I asked. He chuckled.
"No weapons today I'm afraid. You said you wanted to learn elvish, so we are," he said as I frowned.
"I thought my father would teach me that?" I questioned.
"He's busy today apparently. Besides, elvish not being my first language, I can relate to you better than he could," Aragorn said as he walked closer.
"Alright then. Teach me then," I said.
A few hours later, I barely learned the elvish alphabet and a few basic words.
"I'll never get this. All the elves will make fun of me," I sighed, sitting my book down on the table. Aragorn met my gaze.
"They will not make fun of you Farrien. You are of noble birth," he said.
"I don't understand why I couldn't be raised here," I said.
"I believe that's a question for your father," he said quietly.
"Why won't he just tell me already? Why be so secretive? And no one talks about my mother!" I said, raising my voice. He grabbed my hand across the table.
"Your mother was dying when she carried you and needed to go to the Grey Heavens. Orcs attacked her while she was on a mission for your father and your father barely managed to save you and your mother. She held on long enough to leave Middle Earth in the hopes of seeing you and your father again in time," Aragorn explained as I was in shock.
"Your father is one of the strongest men I know, but he was too weak from those events, I believe he sent you to the Shire to protect you. He had known Bilbo and knew he would take care of you. It was the safest place for you as he tried to hunt down the orcs that attacked your mother."
I was stunned. Aragorn squeezed my hand which snapped me out of it.
"I caused my mother's death..." I whispered. Aragorn reached over with his other hand and held mine.
"Farrien you did nothing wrong. Orcs will kill and attack any living thing..."
"Then what was the prophecy about me?" I replied, choking back tears.
"It's not my place to say."
"Dammit Aragorn tell me it or I swear," my voice faltered. What could I even threaten him with? Aragorn cleared just throat.
"I only know part of it. 'From birth comes death, and return means death'," he revealed.
"Return? As me in returning to Rivendell? Am I going to die or does it mean my father since my mother is gone?" I said all at once.
"Prophecies can be misleading," he said. I let go of his grasp on me And slammed the remaining books shut.
"Sorry. Lesson is over for today," I said as I rushed out. I heard him stand up, but I didn't hear him follow me. I ran to my father's room. A female elf seemed to have been tending his injuries as I stood in the doorway.
"Your dying because of me aren't you?" I said. Elrond didn't even look at the maid as he told her to leave. Elrond rolled up his sleeve as I barely saw a bandage. He stood up into my face.
"How dare you just barge into my chambers unannounced when you should have been in lessons!" He almost hissed at me.
"I was at lessons when I heard part of my prophecy and how my mother left Middle Earth," I said with a raised voice. He frowned.
"Aragorn knew not to tell you! I will teach you from now on," he said as he winced.
"But father, you clearly aren't well, someone else needs to teach me," I said.
"I'm sorry your life is complicated. It was foretold your life would be," he sighed.
"Aragorn said part of the prophecy was 'From birth comes death, and return means death.'
"And she will be hunted," he said.
"What?" I said. He turned to face me.
"You will always be hunted in your life by something. The enemy is growing stronger, hence why I sent you to the Shire, where you were safe. I was hoping you'd have a few more years of peace before you left," he explained.
"But I wanted to meet you. Meet my family," I said, blinking back tears.
"I know. I've waited years to meet you too. I just wish you would be safer."
"But I'm here with you." He smiled.
"Yes and I am glad for that," he said as he hugged me.
"Now you must finish your lesson. Perhaps next week you could wield a sword," he said with a grin.
"Really? A proper weapon?"
"Yes if you think you can handle it," he smirked. I laughed.
"Let's go back to Aragorn shall we?" He said as he put an arm on my shoulder and I walked with him.

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