Chapter 61

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The next morning, Beatriz and Draco wake up in shyness as they realise how 'sweet' they are. Some students who wake up earlier than them have spread rumors of them dating and hugging together while sleeping all over Hogwarts.

Honestly, these kinds of rumors make the relationship between Terrence and Beatriz getting worse than ever. Whenever Beatriz tries to talk to him, Terrence will just push her away.

"Terrence ! Please hear my explanation !" Beatriz beg as she follow Terrence

"I don't want to hear any explanation from you, Black, leave me alone !" He yelled to her before walking away faster but Beatriz didn't follow him.

She suddenly uses her ability to see the future through Terrence. Yes, she can control her ability now by just telling her mind what she wants to see and what she wants to do and whenever she opens her eyes again, she can get what she wants.

After seeing Beatriz breath hitch, she feels pain in her chest in sudden. The tears start forming inside her eyes.

Breathing hard, head low, she walks back to take her own books and then proceeds to the class. But just as she passed a random classroom, she heard fighting sounds coming from the inside. Beatriz stops as she glances at the classroom with frowning eyebrows.

Beatriz wiped her tears with her cloak fabric and slowly got near to the door.

"Stop !" A voice saying in a louder voice to make the other 2 people to stop fighting. Beatriz recognized it easily, it was Dumbledore.

"Filthy werewolf" another voice said, it was Snape.

Immediately, Beatriz knew exactly who they were. It's Dumbledore, Snape and Uncle Lupin. But what they're fighting for ? Beatriz wonder

"Shut up, Snivellus" Lupin said

"Enough ! Look at the time now, it's almost time for the class and Remus… you may take a rest. Severus will replace you for today's class, all right ?" said Dumbledore calmly.

"Thank you sir" said Lupin

"Hope you will be fine, Remus. We will leave you now, come one Severus" said Dumbledore

Hearing that Beatriz quickly run over to the corner to hide. Door swung open revealing Snape and Dumbledore walking together, passing Beatriz.

After they're far enough, Beatriz went back to the classroom "Uncle !" she call

"Bea ?" Lupin call out her name in question tone as he is surprised to see Beatriz will be here

"Are you all right ? I heard you wouldn't be teaching class today. I'm so sorry for not taking attention to your health…" Beatriz approach Lupin

"It's okay, Bea. I'm fine…" Lupin smiled. His face are pale and he become more thinner than before

"You look terrible, Uncle, are you sure ?" Beatriz ask

"I'm fine Bea, really I am. Don't you have class now ? Why are you still here, go ! Or Snape would give you detention" said Lupin as he push Bea out from the classroom

"But -"

"No but, you will be late, faster go"

"All right" Beatriz sighs "I will see you real soon, wait for me , all right ?"

"I will wait for you, Bea" Lupin smile

Waving at his Uncle, Beatriz takes a glance before she runs towards DADA class.


In the class, some of the students sit properly on their own seats and when Beatriz opens the door, the chatting sounds stop as they all look at Beatriz because Beatriz has been very famous lately.

Beatriz rolled her eyes up as she groaned at their reaction. She simply choose a seat and didn't expect other people to sit with her but not until Hermione came.

"Bea !" Hermione sits beside her in excitement as she hugs Beatriz tightly "Are you alright ? Is that man still hurting you ?"

"I'm fine, Hermione, thank you" Beatriz who was excited to see Hermione at first dropped her smiling face immediately when Hermione was talking about Terrence Higgs.

"Oh... I'm sorry, Bea...I shouldn't-"

"No it's alright, Hermione" Beatriz forcing a smile to her

As time goes, one by one students come inside the classroom and take a seat while Beatriz keeps being in a daze for a long time. Her thoughts and feelings were mixed. For the once in her life, she feels stress and she hates it.

After a few minutes pass, the door opens again but this time it's Snape. He waves his wands to the window and next second, the window closes one by one which makes Beatriz come back to reality and then he slides down the screen.

"Turn to page 394" he said with no tone like always.

As Beatriz lazyly opens the book, she abruptly takes a deep breath as she is shocked to see werewolf on the page. Beatriz glare at Snape.

"Yes, Miss Black ? Any problem ?" ask Snape

"Nothing, professor" said Beatriz with gritted teeth

"Excuse me, sir, but... where's Professor Lupin?" Harry who sit in front Beatriz and Hermione ask suddenly

"That's not really your concern is it,Potter? Suffice it to say, your Professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time" explain Snape and Beatriz still glare at him "Page 394" he repeats.

Snape waves the moth away, blows out a candle and a slideshow begins. An ancient woodcut of a horrific beast flickers at the front of the room.

"Werewolves?" Ron ask in disbelief

"But, sir, we've only just begun learning about Red Caps and Hinkypunks. We're not meant to start nocturnal beasts for
weeks --" said Hermione

"Quiet!" Snape cut her words

"Now. Which of you can tell me the
difference between an Animagus and
a werewolf?" Snape asks, he glares down at Beatriz.

As the class stares mutely at a slide of an attacking werewolf, Hermione waits desperately for someone to respond to Snape's question.

"No one? How... disappointing" said Snape as he still glaring at Beatriz, seems like Snape want Beatriz to answer

"How about you, Miss Black ? I sure you know very well about werewolf" ask Snape

"I know nothing, sir…" Beatriz answered again. She didn't feel comfortable now…

"Please, sir, an Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice in the matter. Furthermore, the werewolf actively hunts humans and responds only to the call of its own kind --"

Hermione beg and then she spilled out the answer and suddenly, Malfoy make a low howl at the end which attract Beatriz attention, she hate that sounds cause werewolf make her Uncle tired and sick !

"Thank you, Mr.Malfoy" said Snape sarcastically

Though one must admit to feeling your pain. That is the second time you have spoken out of turn, Miss Granger. Tell me. Are you incapable of restraining yourself? Or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?" said Snape

"Five points from Gryffindor!" Snape said louder and Hermione groaned. "As a antidote to your ignorance, I prescribe two rolls of parchment on the werewolf by Monday morning, with particular emphasis placed on recognizing it" said Snape

"Passing note, Potter ?" ask Snape in sudden

"Wait, why are Snape keep looking at you though ?"ask Hermione which make Beatriz feel exposed even though it was nothing

"No he didn't, what are you talking about Hermione" Beatriz shook her head continuously

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