Chapter 97

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"Thank you for keeping me here, Luna," said Beatriz as she left the Ravenclaw common room. Yes, she had a sleepover at Ravenclaw common room with Luna.

It's pretty early when they leave the common room, somehow around 6 am, most students hasn't wake up yet

"No problem. I'm glad to help you" said Luna in a dreamy voice "So what's your next plan ?" Luna asks

"I think I will go and check for Moody. I hope he's fine" said Beatriz along the walk to the main castle

"And ?" Luna asks

"Ermm...I don't know, I haven't thought about it yet" Beatriz shook her head as she sighed. She really has no idea what's her next plan, maybe just let Barty catch her again.

"I have a better idea" said Luna as she stops, her eyes glittering in excitement

"What is it ?" Beatriz asks

"You can pretend to be one of us"

"No- I mean, how is that supposed to work ?" Beatriz frowns

"I think, instead of using your ability for too long which also makes you have a high risk of exposure to Barty, why not just wear a uniform and a mask to cover yourself. This will lower Barty suspicion on you even if you pass him in a corridor" Luna explain

Beatriz falls silent, drowning in her thoughts as she is really considering the idea that Luna just gave out.

After some time, Beatriz agrees.

"Great!" Luna happily smiles , she then opens a small bag and stretches her hand inside as she takes out a ravenclaw uniform.

"Extension charm" said Luna before Beatriz could even ask how she could take out big things inside a small bag that has the same size of purse.

"I use this charms on my bag so I don't need to carry all books or any emergency things with me all the time" Luna explain further

"Wise choice of you" Beatriz nods understanding

"Here, a mask" again Luna stretches out her hand inside the bag and pulls out a flower design mask, it's colourful too.

"Wow, I've never seen this thing before. Where did you get it ?" asks Beatriz as she observe the mask

"A muggle shop. My father bring me to visit a village of muggle on summer holidays last week before school, I see this in one of the fashion shop, I like it so I bought it"

"Yeah, it's nice" Beatriz smiles

"Thanks" Luna smiles brightly "Oh yes before I forget. You might need this too" said Luna as she take out a bottle of potion

"What is this ?" Beatriz asks as she opens the bottle to take a sniff and the smells almost make her puke.

"Volubilis potion to change your voice, so if Barty suspicious of you and asking you a several questions, at least he wouldn't recognize your voice" said Luna

"Woah, how do you have all these things with you all the time ?" Beatriz asks surprisingly

"Actually, I prepared it for you. After yesterday I met you and after you told me everything, I think you need a proper way to hide yourself and I think this is the best way. Like people always said, the most dangerous place is the most safest place" said Luna

Honestly Luna's words touch her heart, the warm feelings of friendship fill her up. Without a second word, she hugs Luna as she mutters the word "Thank you"

"Thanks for your hug too" said Luna as she smiles


Hogwarts great hall.

The table has been arranged back to its normal position and several students have already had their own breakfast there.

No professors.

"I never thought you will dye your hair black" said Luna after she sees Beatriz has come with wearing Ravenclaw uniform, a mask and have her hair dye in black and is very straight

"I use simple beauty charms on my hair to make it black and straight. I think Barty would suspect me easily if I have the blonde and wavy hair like usual" said Beatriz, her voice sounds more down and hoarse

"I see." Luna nods

"After breakfast, I will go and check for Moody and then I need to meet someone at lunch. I think I will meet you at night, is it okay ?" Asks Beatriz while eating the cereal

"Yeah, no problem. I will wait for you at room of requirement" Luna nods

After all of the discussion and conversation, they then focus on the breakfast.

After 15 minutes, finally they finish breakfast, almost 7 am.

Luna and Beatriz then go separate ways.

Beatriz walks down the corridor until she arrives at Moody office.

She decides to wait until Barty comes out to have breakfast, so she can go inside and check for Moody.

It doesn't take a long time when a figure of a man comes out from the office. He is very careful like always, roaming the surrounding area before leaving.

Beatriz, who hides in a blind spot, successfully hides from Barty and after the man has left far enough, she goes inside.

"Alohomora" she use her ability and easily open the lock of the trunk

When she opened it, she took a look on the inside and found no one there. Oh my, where is Moody ?

Just as Beatriz tries to find Moody, she hears footsteps approaching. Widen her eyes in pure shock, quickly she closes the trunk and acts like she is about to leave the office.

Open the door, revealing two people that want to come in and go out from the office

"Who are you ?" Barty asks after he sees a student inside his office

"Oh, there you are, professor, I'm looking for you, sir," Beatriz said under the mask

"Why are you looking for me ?" He asks concern

"Professor Dumbledore wants to see you in his office. He said it's for important things, about Harry Potter, sir" Beatriz said in a calm voice

"Okay, noted" he said still staring on her

"You're welcome, sir" Beatriz bow a bit to him as a respect from a student even though she doesn't want to

Just when she was about to leave, she heard Barty say "Why are you covering your face ?"

"Oh, this is a mask, sir, from my muggle mother. I'm not feeling very well and my mother said wearing this mask can prevent me from infect the others" after explaining, Beatriz give a few cough to make it looks more real

"Oh please get out !" Barty disgustingly shoo her away from his office and then quickly he shut the door

Beatriz sighs in relief. Fortunately, Luna has told her the function of the mask so she can make out the reason why.

Thinking back about the face of Barty feels disgusted and makes her laugh. She bet he must have felt disgusted about her "muggle" mother and the "ill" she gets.

Seeing no more chance to be around here, Beatriz thinks she better be out of his sight.

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