Chapter 106

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"Luna Lovegood... right?"

the deep voice of him interrupts her humming. Luna turns her head only to see a tall figure hovering over her, covering her shadow.

"Hi, Zabini" She calls out his last name, making the boy surprised.

"You know me ?" Blaise asks as he cocked an eyebrow to the girl.

"Malfoy's friends" she answers his curiosity which Blaise nods afterwards.

Awkward then fills the atmosphere even just for a second as Blaise scratches his head, thinking about a topic to talk about.

"And how'd you know me ?" Luna casually asks back.

"Malfoy of course...he suggested you to be my date" Blaise said it carefully, observing her reaction to his words about 'date'.

"Oh, that's interesting" Luna smiles softly which caught Blaise off guard.

"You don't mind ? I mean...we don't know each other and- and suddenly we go to the yule ball together".

"Your suit looks short, must be Malfoy's" Luna ignored his words when her eyes fell on his rather tight and short suit. She chuckles on how it looks on the boy.

"Ah ?" Blaise blinks continuously as he is surprised by her spontaneous but quickly he tries to catch-up the conversation. "Oh...emm...well, I didn't prepare for the yule ball... it's out of sudden, so Malfoy gave me his last year suit" Blaise nervously clutching the hem of the suit.

Luna is still hanging her sweetest smile for the boy as she takes her wand out and casts a spell to make the suit adjust Blaise body size.

"There. Feels better ?".

Blaise sees the suit that just changes into his size and to be honest he is surprised by this girl, very surprised by her personality, really different from others.

"Yeah...I can breathe freely now !" Blaise nods.

"Announcement ! The yule ball is about to start. Students except for four champions and their partners, all are required to get inside the great hall by now, thank you for your cooperation" shouts Mcgonagall from the center of the crowd.

As Mcgonagall words drop, students one by one get inside the great hall.

"So, Miss Lovegood, should we ?" Blaise gently stretches his arm out as a form of invitation to link their arms together.

"Thank you, Zabini" Luna smiles as she accepts the invitation and links her arm with his.


"Where are we going, Draco ?" Beatriz asks when she realized they weren't heading to the hall.

"Somewhere" Draco said.

"Somewhere whe- Ahh !"

Beatriz shouts when she is shocked to feel her body get pulled by a strong energy and when she snapped back to reality, she realised herself running in the middle of the hallway with Draco holding her hand.

"What- Why are we running, Draco ?" Beatriz asks with a loud voice.

"We run out of time, better be fast !" he answers with the same tone of voice and without knowing a grin slowly curved on Draco's face.

Together they run through the castle with their loved one beside them is the most romantic thing for Beatriz and Draco to ever experience and the wind that passes them while running also feels insanely soft and comfortable while those footsteps of heels and shoes echo the hallway in sync like a rhythm of music. Everything seems beautiful tonight.

Passing some classrooms and some first to third year students through the hallway, they all have their curiosity to eye them running around especially when they get attracted by the dress.

Proceeding to run out the castle, Beatriz already has her head up to look at the sky. Black, but it brings a bit of blue and a lot of snow dropping to the ground. Stars gone, but the moon still shining up there accompanied the night, the city and us.

She remembers years ago, when she was still with another guy, she said to him and herself that she likes the star more than the moon but today Beatriz announced to herself and to the world that she is in love with the moon.

Don't know when she realised the moon itself represents the two people being together as one and never leaving each other side, because we always know even when the moon shines only one side, the other side is still there, just like Draco, who is always there for her.

"Right, we've arrived !" Draco stops both of them right in front of the black lake.

"What are we doing out here ? It's cold !" Beatriz frowns, questioning the boy.

Panting hard after the long run, they two tried to catch their breath.

"You right, it's cold…" Draco mumbles after a few seconds, he regrets having this idea.

Bea chuckles to hear his confession, stupid Malfoy, she thought.

"Don't worry…" she said.

Raising her hand up to her chest level, Beatriz then rubs her hand quickly and tightly to get some heat and then she mumbles a spell on it, moving forward, she proceeds to place her hand on Draco's chest.

Draco, who just keeps observing the girl in front of him, is surprised when his body gets warm after Beatriz places her hand on his chest.

"Feels better?" Beatriz asks only to receive nods from Draco.

"So...why do you bring me here, Mr Malfoy ?" Beatriz tilted her head to the side, softly asking the boy who suddenly got nervous.

"Well...emm, would a dance?" His voice got lower when gets to the end of the sentence and awkwardly he stretched his hand as an invitation.

"Yes, please" Beatriz eyes widens with the sudden invitation and is a bit surprised to hear those words coming from the arrogant Malfoys heir, but other than that, she is happy.

"But wait !" He said, stopping Beatriz from stretching her hand out to hold his, making Beatriz confused.

Observing the boy who just takes his wand out, he then looks her in the eyes and mumbles a spell underneath his breath. Next second, hundreds of fireflies come out from the tip of Draco's wand, flying around them, making the background incredibly beautiful.

Beatriz eyes immediately lighten up by those fireflies, mouthing the 'wow', she raises her hand up, trying to touch those fireflies.

Draco smiles when he sees the cute reaction from his girl and he gets so attracted with her eyes, it feels so alive to be in her eyes, he thought.

"Well, Miss Black, I hope you don't mind having a dance with me ?" He bowed gently, with hand stretching out to her.

Chuckling, Beatriz accepts his invitation as she places her hand on top of his palm. "Please, Mr Malfoy"

Holding her hand softly, Draco then placed another hand on her waist while Beatriz placed another hand on his shoulder.

"But, Draco...we don't have music to dance to," Beatriz said.

"Do we really need music ?" He asks carefully, frowning.

"Much fun with music" Beatriz pouts.

"Emm…" Draco frowns, trying to think of a solution "I guess...I can sing ?"

"I think... it's a good idea" Beatriz nods.

Draco starts humming, trying hard to copy the romantic song inside his head which turns out offbeat and this makes Beatriz to hold a laugh while dancing with him.

The night seems so alive for both of them, spending time with their love, sharing happiness and making memories together, nothing ever be so wonderful than this time.

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