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We all begrudgingly walked downstairs to the sitting room where my dad read his bible with a smile on his face. I settled on the chair beside him as my heart continued to race. Did Khalil really like me? More importantly, di he think I was the best kisser? A thrill ran through my entire body as I gasped.
"Tiaraoluwa" My father called
"Sir?" I answered with a slight smile
"Is anything the problem?"
"No" I replied. I looked at the girls who gave me knowing looks. I focused on the ground as they held their laughs in.

Devotion was different today, my dad made it fun. We all laughed and contributed, we freely stated our opinions. We all still chatted about about what we learned in devotion. Entering Ore's room, everyone turned to me asking questions like when and how.
"Guys calm down. Khalil and I figured we liked each other at the beginning of the school year and he was the only one that kept me sane during my suspension so we just made it official last week."
"Awwww" they coo
"Now, I am tired so I need to sleep" I get up and spread my camping bag.
Soon everyone was safely tucked in bed sleeping, I stood up and walked to my room. I picked up a Xanax tablet and I shut my eyes, I put it in my mouth and called Khalil. Khalil picked up on the second ring.
"Hey you" His voice made me smile
"Hey babe" I say teasingly and he laughs "thank you for today"
"What did I do?"
"Acted as my babe" I say shyly and I hear him chuckle
"Why did you lie?" He asked
"I honestly don't know what came over me, I'm sorry. You must think I'm a really bad person"
"Why would I?" He asks just above a whisper
"I do drugs, kiss boys and lie to my friends that they ate my boyfriends"
"Babe" that word coming from him made butterflies erupt in my tummy, was this the feeling everyone described? "You're not a bad person, you just do bad things and doesn't everybody. Stop judging yourself, all have sinned and falling short of His glory T. "
"But Khalil I have sinned so much, I know He will forgive me but I feel He should not, I am way too guilty" I say as tears threaten to escape
"Before God all sins are equal. We have all sinned, God would not say 'Tiaraoluwa you have sinned 20 times this month, go to hell' instead He will draw you close and wait for you to come to Him. God forgives you because of Jesus, Jesus is all He sees when He looks at you"
"But you don't sin as much as me Khalil"
"I don't???? Who are you to tell me that? Stalker" He says and I laugh even as tears roll down my ears ", I sin everytime T. David sinned a lot, David and sin were besties but He was still the apple of God's eye. Why? Because he always repented."
"But I j-just took a tablet now." I sob
"Shhh, it's fine. Where are you?"
"My room"
"Yes" I answer
" I  think you should stop staying on your own so much because you won't be able to take the drugs in front of people yeah?"
"Yes" I place the phone on my bed side table and bury my head between my knees that are raised up and crossed with my hands. My room door opens but I don't look up, if I look up they would ask why I was crying. I stay perfectly still hoping the person would leave, but instead I felt arms round me. I knew that scent anywhere.
"Khalil" I say surprised
"Hmmm?" He hummed
"I thought you were my dad" we both laugh
"I thought your dad's room was yours"
"You entered my dad's room?" I ask in terror
"Yes but thankfully he was in the  bathroom." I let out a sigh of relief "What if he wasn't though?"
"He would have killed me" I laugh
"Yes, right after killing me for lying that I am actually coming to comfort His daughter because she was crying during our preaching session on the phone." We both laugh.
We stay there talking and I have never felt so relieved. As Khalil left he tilted my head up and kissed me and ofcourse I responded. I told him we couldn't keep doing that and he agreed but we still kissed after that even though it was just a peck on the lip the last time. I wish we didn't kiss in the garden because it will be hard to stop kissing each other at this point.

Hiii dearest readers,
It has been too long. I'll try to update as frequently as I can but that would not be too often because I have a lot on my plate right now. Please vote, tell me what you think and share this with a friend or five.

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