Resumption II

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Our principal, Mr.Japheth, a fifty year old man with a pot belly and bald patch, stood before us. As was expected, he said the exact words I had been hearing right from JS1.
" I trust you all had a great summer vacation and you are all well rested and ready for the term, this term marks a new beginning for each and every student." He cleared his throat and continued "As you have resumed, you have automatically been granted hundred percent but how you use it, solely depends on you..."
"He says it like we have never heard this speech before" Akondu said
"Ah, just the speech? I've heard everything including his tapping of the mic three times" Simion answered and everyone laughed.
"It's as if he's programmed to say all this, abeg I'm out of here" I said, standing up.

Bad guy

She's a bad bitch



Were all that I heard as I straightened my blazer and settled back down.
"Ha ah, bad guy you're not going again?" Chisom said and everyone laughed
"Please, I'm not like you people o, I'm going to leave, I'm just waiting for the right time, If it's not a dramatic exit, it's not me" I said making everyone laugh
"You go girl!" Jocho shouted, causing all eyes in the hall to turn towards us and we all laughed
"SS3 students, do you find me amusing?" Mr. Japheth asked
"Eh, small small sir" (Yes, a little sir) Akondu said quietly and we started laughing all over again.
"You have a number of exams coming up, you don't play with your GCSE's. Some of you sat for JAMB and SAT last year, how did you perform overall? This year you have to do better, don't bring your horrid rowdy character in this grade. You are responsible for the entire school, your juniors look up to you and Champions Academy wants to be proud of all her students"

*        *       *

The rowdy class was put to order by the subtle sound of footsteps that echoed throughout the classroom. Mr. Achan stood tall, his lanky frame had led students to believe that he was not capable of handling his job but contrary to out thoughts, Mr. Achan had decidedly used Peter as an example three years ago when he started his work at CASS (Champions Academy Secondary School). The dark, traditionally marked man stared intently at each and everyone of us, boring holes into our heads as if searching our souls, searching for who to devour. We sat silently probably all praying that we wouldn't be the scape goat. As if it suddenly occurred to him, Frank scrambled from his chair and shouted the words "Class greet!"
"Must you shout?" I heard someone say under their breath. Only then did I realize that I was seated at the very back of the class, in front of me was Amanda and beside me was Akondu. 
"Good morning Sir" we said rising to our feet.
"Good morning, I am your form teacher, you should all know me," He said writing his name on the board ",Frank, you are the form prefect. Pick a female as your assistant"
"Peter. No, sorry, uhmmm Mary" The class burst out laughing at his confusion, not me though, I just wanted to sit down.
"Will you all shut up!" Mr. Achan barked loudly, causing the class to cower. "Sit down" he said and exited. So much for a class teacher.

The day stretched and no teacher came into our class so we spent our time doing our own thing. I was already getting a headache from the noise so I exited the classroom and put a tablet in my mouth. I walked to the art studio, it was mostly quiet. I slowly pushed the door open, peeping inside, I saw only one person so I stepped in. I went beside Khalil and looked at his art work
"Not bad for the average human, I'm willing to teach you my amazing ways" I said
"Oh great one, I rather not learn from you," I hit him playfully and he laughed ", I wasn't done talking " he said
"Go ahead and talk"
"I rather not learn from you because..." he said dragging the last word
"Because what?" I asked with a raised brow
"Because your ways are too great for someone like me, surely I will get confused as the great one herself is teaching. My brain cannot comprehend such greatness" he said and we both laughed
"I like it" I said referring to his drawing, it was a drawing of a girl, sitting at the edge of a cliff, playing a guitar.
"Thank you, it still needs a lot of work" he said and I rolled my eyes at his humility. I spent the day talking with Khalil as he finished up his art work.

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