-12- pt 1.

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Christian's Pov:

The professors asked me once again to sing people requests and this time its for a easter party do when it was almost time to go sing for the party I went to the Dungeon where the classroom of uncle Sev is and when I saw that I was the only one there since I came 20 minutes earlier so I finally coul hanve some alone time with my uncle.

This was his outfit:

This was his outfit:

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"Hey uncle Sev so when is headmistress Mcgonacall coming here and the rest of the teachers"I asked him after some time of talking he looked at his clock and said

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"Hey uncle Sev so when is headmistress Mcgonacall coming here and the rest of the teachers"I asked him after some time of talking he looked at his clock and said.

(McGonagall became headmistress after the war with Dumbles dead the school thingie i forgot what is called let the teachers and students alike choose and they chose Mcgonacall)

"any moment now actually," He said and he was right about 2 minutes after I said all the teachers came in and saw that Christian was there they decided now that Dumbledore is gone and most of his army that it was time for everyone to know who he really is and who his real friends and boyfriends are so they did that.

"So Christian open the box and see which four songs have been admitted the most"Minnie said and so I opened the box and spread all the request all or the table and I saw that the four most admitted songs were Heart attack by Demi Lovato, Trainwreck by James Arthur, Heatbeat song by Kelly Clarkson and Shallow by Lady Gaga.

So it was time for the party and I changed before going and this is what I had on.

The outfit:

The outfit:

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