-5- (Snape say's every thing he saw to Remus and Lucius and narcissa)

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Severus Pov :

I didn't want to break the happy family named the Lupin's up but we really needed to get away from there or Dumbles would know that we were there and then they would get in trouble and i really didn't want that i geuss i would go report to Remus about what we saw i know he is gonna freak but i geus i need to do that.

At Remus house

"I went to see the missing childeren\Adults they don't look too well Christy Roxanne and James are at the point of almost passing out Eilleen and Lilly are the ones who look the best we found out that the Weasley twins are not twins but triplets they have a twin sister named Maya she looks cava i'am gonna wait till Lucius and Narcissa are here to say how Alexa Is"As soon as i said Cissy and Lucy walked in and asked.

"How is our daughter no lies please we are getting desperate i need to know how my baby girl is Please"Lucius begged me to say how she is.

"She is okay but not great she is like a twin of Cissy when she was 18 but she has Lucius's personality she was really happy to find out that she was a big sister she saw him once and i think she felled in love inmeatenly(?) she wanted to protect him then and there it was a little akward for them it is all Christian's Idea to get them to meet he really is a good boy so he has James's personality but he looks like Remus and James combined he looks really cute though i that my godfather bond talking probably but i don't mind it'I said that and they all looked really happy after that we talked about noncense the whole time.

A/N sorry for the short chapter but i didn't have a lot of insperaton and i really wanted to get a chapter online for you guys and if you have any idea's or if you have characters you want in this story let me know it don't have to from Harry Potter it can be from anything you want too And i also want to thank you guys for the 200 reads you guys are the best

A/N sorry for the short chapter but i didn't have a lot of insperaton and i really wanted to get a chapter online for you guys and  if you have any idea's or if you have characters you want in this story let me know it don't have to from Harry Pot...

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