2 (Edited)

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Christian's pov:

When we where home we all went to the couch and sat down"ok Cristian tell your story"said dad

"Ok uhh i lived with the Dursley's ever since i was taken from you and since then  the only thing i ever known was hate and pain and then when i was four i started doing every chore expect for cooking and the garden work cause i was still too small too reach any thing and couldn't lift the mow lawner and if i didn't do it right my Aunt or Uncle would slap me that was till i turned seven then i did every chore in the house and if i didn't do it right Uncle Vernon would beat me as a punishment when i grew up it just started getting worse and when i turned 10 that's when i got the worst punishment i ever got Uncle Vernon would rape me and i'am a sub creature and my cousin invented a game called Harry hunting where he and his gang would chase me and when they caught me they would beat me or rape me and i thought my name was freak till i started school when i was four and i never had any friends cause dudley and gang would threating them and he was the biggest bully in the school so every one was scared of them and even the teacher's did nothing the teacher's knew but did nothing and i thought no one could love me and that i was burden and that no one would want to be my friend but clearly i was wrong"at the end of that i was sobbing dad came over and putted me on his lap and started rocking us back and fort and i started feeling sleepy 

"shh Christian go too sleep i'am not leaving now close you're eyes and sleep"whisperd dad in my ear and i closed my eyes and snuggled closer to dad and fell asleep

Remus pov:

When Christian fell asleep on me I started planning revenge I didn't know my eyes turned amber untill snape said "whatever it is that you're planning I want in and you might want to calm down cause you're anger is making Christian uncomfortable in his sleep"he said so I calmed myself down and we all started planning 

( a couple days later)

"Dad"a girls voice said in my head "Who are you?"I thought back"I'am you're daugher listen me mum and Christy could feel that the blocks potions and obliviate where gone  so we could both communicate with you every one of the missing childeren and adults are here and we are all very weak but mum the most they are  abusing and raping him repatingly he can barely open his eyes  or talk if he is here more longer I think they wont hestiant too kill him we are  in hogwarts ask for the RoR for the missing childeren and adults then you find us maybe some one from in the castle the one who put us there was Dumbledore try too talk too mum he needs it the only thing that keeps him going is you Christy and me try it please"she explained/begged 

"Okay the only one who can do that is Severus cause he works in hogwarts and okay i will talk to james"I said and cutted of the connection and talked too james 

"James please be there"I pleaded

"Remy"I heard back

"Yeah it's me Jamie we are coming too get you all listen I'am gonna talk too snape and where gonna come up with a plan Christian is already on hogwarts i'am gonna try and get you as fast as i can so please hold on"i explained/begged

 "I'll try and okay I'll wait for Snape too come I'am gonna keep it a suprise for Lilly and Eilleen so they finally have happenis again"He said 

"Okay Jamie i'll see you soon okay  asside from that how are you now"I asked

"A little better now i spoke too you again and yes I know that you know what they did too me from Roxy I miss you though my creature is restless without you Remy I want to be there with you again"he said

"I miss you too Jamie and I also want you back with me please don't cry you are gonna make me cry and I'am in a order meeting trying too not kill Dumbledore but it's getting harder and harder o shit uhh they are looking at me I need to go I love you and I will see you soon"I said

"I love you too"he said and the connection broke

"Why are you all looking at me"I ask

"Where you even paying attention my boy"Dumblefuck asked I suppresed the urge too growl 

"Uhh i wasn't paying attention what did you say"I asked

"I said that now voldemort is back we need to give Harry special lesson so he can defend himself and so that he can defeate Voldemort I can give them too him"he said this time I lowly growled I was slowly loosing control of moony 

"That isn't necessary let the kid be the damn kid for one time in his fucking life and I can do something about it Harry is also not going back to the dursleys cause yes Albus I know about the fucking abuse so did you didn't you'i exploded and I lost control of moony

"My boy it is necessary that he go's back to them the bloodwards keep him safe from the death eaters and Voldemort"he said the rest of the meeting went with by in a blur when the meeting was over 

"Severus can i speak to you alone"i asked 

"Sure if you must"he said when every one was away I putted a silencing charm around us cause who knows who is listening

"I know where they are"i said

"Where"he asked 

"In hogwarts the RoR"i said 

"How do you know?"he asked

"I spoke to james and Roxanne werewolfs can speak thelepactic with there mate and childeren and feel they emotions Roxanne concated me and explained every thing to me and also said that every one is very weak but james the most to get to room where they are you have to ask the room for the missing childeren and adults then you find them and you are the only person who can get them cause you work there and if I get there for no reason dumblefuck wil be sucspisios and will check the room i think Christian knows where it is so just ask him"I said 

"Okay I will do that but i really need to go back"he said and went back to hogwarts 

(Short) Christian pov:

I just went back to the comon room when I smelled the best smell ever and I saw that it came from the twins then I knew it they where my mates. What am I gonna do??

~~To be continued~~

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