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Christan's Pov:

I was hanging out with Alicia and Justin the same with Alicia i know Justin from him from birth and Alicia since me and J were 2 so he knew my secret too so my glamour was off and this was the outfit.

The outfit It was a combination of Hufflepuff and Slytherin put together:

The outfit It was a combination of Hufflepuff and Slytherin put together:

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We were talking about everything we ever been too together.

"Do you remember that time in Elementary school where everyone just stripped clothing cause we wanted to make the teachers angry?" Justin said Me and Lis both laughed and nodded.

"Do you know what i find annoying here that me and J have to pretend that we're not friends we can't make nice memories here that's what we wanted wasn't it to make more memories together but now we can't do that because of Dumbles he chose people i had to be friends with and paid them for it"I said and they agreed.

After a lot of talking suddenly the door opened but we didn't hear it so when i felt two hands on my shoulder i jumped really high i turned around and it we're just the twins.

"You idiots i thought we discovered never do that again"I said  i was almost screaming and they looked a little scared about my tone.

"Sorry, but can we join you don't have to pretend with us"They said in complete unison we nodded.

"Tonight is truth or dare have any good dares for people"they asked. 

"Again truth or dare i thought it was a couple of weeks before the next"I asked they shaked their head and said.

"No it's every night remember"They said so that's what i forgot I looked at them and said.

"So that is what I forgot so no I didn't remember"I said to them.

"But do you guys have any good truth or dares?"They asked.

(Thruth or dares)

"So Harry truth or dare"A slytherin who I didn't know the name of said.

"Truth"I said I knew that was a bad decision cause you had to drink vertisium before every truth so I drank the potion.

"What is you're sexuality"The ones who knew about my real sexuality looked scared and angry.

"S-Gay"As soon as I said that I clapped my hand over my mouth no one really looked surprised.

It came back to me after a couple of dares.

"A truth and dare"I said he thought about and said.

"Do you have a inheritance and if you do Show it us"He said.

"Yes I'm a neko and werewolf before i let it free am a crosdresser too"I said and let my creature free and they saw my outfit and hair I puted on a different outfit before I came here.

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