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(A/N i just want too say when i first started writing this i didn't think people would like it so i want to thank you for giving this a chance)

George's Pov (Short) :

Me and Fred where in the common room when we saw a boy looking at us we saw it was Harry that's when we smelled it the best smell too exist it was like heaven on earth then just as we wanted to go and talk to him Proffesor Snape came and asked Harry to go with him it looked important because it looked like Snape was rushing Harry after he was gone i turned to Fred.

"Did you smell that?"i asked him. 

"Yes so Harry is our mate but didn't Harry had a different smell?"Fred asked/said Oh yeah Fred was a beta kitsune and i was Alpha water imp.

"Yes and did you see how Proff. Snape came and get him it looked important really important even what do you think it is"I asked.

"Yes i did see that and i have no idea what it was about but it must be important for Snape even talk to Harry he hates him"He said.

"Yes i was thinking about that"i said and we talked further about our future pranks where gonna pull.

(Lets take a look at what Severus wanted with Christian)

Christian (Same time when George Pov Started):

I was just looking at Fred and George talking most likely about pranks when i suddenly saw that George caught me staring i blushed but they didn't saw that i hope suddenly he took a breath and smelled that i was their mate just as they wanted to talk to me uncle Sev came in.

"Christian come with me please it's important"he whisperd cause no one knows that i'am Christian they all think that i'am harry Potter the saviour of the wizarding world.

"Ok uncle Sev but where is it where going?"i asked.

"The RoR"he said.

"What are we going do in the room of requirements?"i asked.

"it's a suprise"was all he said for the rest of the way it was quiet when we where at the RoR he paced in front of it three times and was in deep thought when there was a door i was suprised when i saw all those people in torn clothing.

"Are they who i think they are"i asked he looked at me and bluntly said.

"Yes of course their the missing childeren/adults who do you think is who"he asked. 

"The three there in the left corner are my sisters and mum am i right?"i asked. 

"Yes that are Roxanne you're big sister and Christy you're twin sister and the guy who lookes the weakest of this whole group is James you're Family"he said and all of them where still asleep.

"And in the right corner are if i have too geuss from the malfoys with her are from the Weasleys,Lilly you're  daughter and Siri"I said. 

(A/N yes the Weasleys have another Child i was thinking of Making Fred and George a triplet)

"Yes that's treu there you have Eilleen Lilly Sirius Maya if i'am right is the triplet of Fred and George"He said at that moment we heard the door open so we quickly looked for a hiding spot we found one there we saw the person who came in was Dumb-Ass-Dore. 

"ALL OF YOU FREAKS WAKE UP"He screamed every one woke up i have to say mum looked the most scared out of this whole group

"N-no n-not a-again p-please"Mum stuttered out and scooted far away from Dumb-Ass-Dore looking frightend I can geus what he will do.

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