pt.1 how it started

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"Holy shit" Rose just received a message from dream himself on Twitter. She asked him a few days ago if she could join the smp and they talked about it for a while and he said he had to think about it and figure out a plot for you with the help of the writers in the smp.

She had been waiting 3 days with no response and finally she got a response.

"HE SAID YESSSSS" she was ecstatic. Oh and wilbur may have helped convince dream by showing him some clips from his little sister's streams.

Rose had about 40k average viewers which to some people isn't a lot but to her, it was a lot. And she was so greatful. Her and her brother both knew that if she told everyone that she was wilburs sister then she would have instantly more viewers but she also knew that people would think she was using Will for clout so she didn't.

They both decided to pretend they weren't siblings, better yet that they never knew each other. Only nihachu knows that they are siblings because she came to visit wilbur one day as a surprise and she was quite shocked to see a 16 year old in his apartment.

A bit of backstory, when the two were growing up they were very close. Almost inseparable, so when Wilbur moved out of their parents house Rose was so lonley because she didn't really have very many friends so their parents let her move in to wilburs house but she had to promise that by September she would go back to school since it was her first year of collage.

Rose dropped out of high school pretty much after Easter in her 11th year because one of her best friends passed away, she couldn't stand to see everyone else. So her parents let it slide till her first day of collage.

That was also today. She got into the dream smp but she has to go to school again.



Sorry for the short ish chapter.

I decided to start writing this at 12:30am and I have to be up by 9am which isn't good for me.

I'll do longer chapters in future.

I am from England which is why I'm basing the character as a fellow English woman. If you don't like that then stop reading.

Also yeah this isn't going to be based as you, so there will be details to the oc because it's a charecter, not you :)

Make sure to drink and eat something please, and remember I love you. If you need to talk, dm me and I'll be here for you.

Word count: 340

wilburs sister (tommyinnit × oc)Where stories live. Discover now