pt.22 beautiful

670 14 7

They all skated around for about an hour, until Rose and Niki left to go shopping.

"It's only 3pm we have 2 and a half hours before we are going out" - Tom

"Yes but me and Niki are going shopping, then I need to shower-" - Rose

"Again?" - Tom

"Yes again, then I need to do my hair, then my make up and then get dressed" - Rose

"Understndable" - Tom

Niki and Rose left to go and find a dress for her.

It had been about 30 minutes and they still hadn't found one.

"Where else could we look" - niki

"That shop looks like a good bet" - Rose

"Alright, let's check" - Niki

Less then 2 minutes after stepping foot in the shop Rose saw a dress and she fell in love with it.

"That's a gorgeous dress" - Niki

"It's perfect" - Rose

"Lets see if it fits" - Niki

She grabbed the dress and handed it to Rose, while they walked to the dressing rooms.

"It fits" - Rose

"You look stunning" - Niki

Rose got the dress back off and went to the till.

"Okay that'll be £67, would you like a bag?" - Cashier

"Yes please" - Niki

"Okay cash or card" - Cashier

"Card please" - Niki

"You don't Have to pay for this, I have enough money" - Rose

"This is your birthday present from me" - Niki

She put her card in and typed the numbers.

"Okay there you go, have a nice day" - Cashier

"Thank you" - Rose&Niki

The two girls left and headed home as quickly as possible.

"Did you get the dress" - Will

"Yes, we did" - Rose

"It's a gorgeous dress" - Niki

"Can I see it?" - Will

"Nope" - Rose

"Uh why not" - Will

"It's a suprise, is Tom in the shower" - Rose

"No, he's with Toby and ranboo in their room" - Will

"Okie dokie" - Rose

She ran up the stairs with the bag containing her new dress in her hand.

She took the dress out, and put it on a hanger, she hung it on her wardrobe door while she got a shower.

She didn't wash her hair becuase she did that This morning, so she put her hair up in a bun and hopped in the shower.

She was in there for about 20 minutes giving her 1 hour and 20 ish minutes before she had to be ready.

"Just enough time to do my hair and make up" - Rose

She put on some comfy clothes and went to nikis room.

"Niki? Are you decent?" - Rose

"Yeah, come in" - Niki

Rose opened the door and saw niki with her make up and hair done.

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