pt.24 they know

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The next morning,

Rose and Tommy were still asleep on the couch, but they moved so they were lay down.

Jack, niki and Will were the first ones to go downstairs. Ranboo was still in his and Tubbos room, he was awake though but Tubbo was not. The feral boys also were not awake.

Then again it was only 9:30 am and god knows what time them lot went to sleep.

"Guys look at the couch" - Niki

"Seriously" - Jack

"Why can't they sleep in their own beds like normal people" - Will

"It's cute" - Niki

"Becuase it not your little sister" - Will

"You know he asked her out yesterday" - Jack

"What did she say" - Will

"Well I take it from that, that she said yes" - Jack

"Also she did say she really likes him to me while we were shopping yesterday" - Niki

"We're the first ones up so I guess we should make breakfast for everyone" - Will

"Do we have to" - Jack

"Yes" - Niki

"What should we make?" - Will

"How about boiled eggs and toast" - Jack

"I've never had that before" - Niki

"Really?" - Jack

"Yeah" - Niki

"Each person just gets 2 boiled eggs, with just the top of the she'll taken off and 2 pieces of toast each" - Will

"You slice the toast into strips aswel, and you dip the toast strips into the egg. It's really good" - Jack

"It sounds good" - Niki

"It is, we'll need 24 eggs though." - Jack

"I'll quickly go to the store and get another dozen and a half eggs since we only have 6. You two get started while I'm gone" - Will

Wilbur left the house, getting in his car and driving to the store.

Jack went to start boiling 4 eggs first and gave niki the job of making sure everyone was awake and asking if they want some tea or coffee.

This was dream, sapnap, quackity and Karl's last full day here. They left tomorrow at 3pm. Ranboo however was staying at Tubbos house for another 4 months. They hadn't told anyone that yet though.

"Okay niki, wake up Tommy and Rose first. They can have the first ones" - Jack

"On it" - Niki

She walked over to the couch nudging the 2 teens.

"Rose? Tommy? Wake up" - Niki

"Oh hey Niki" - Rose

"What time is it?" - Tommy

"It's about 8:40 nearly" - Niki

"Okay" - Tommy

"Would you guys like some breakfast?" - Niki

"What's for breakfast?" - Rose

"Boiled eggs and toast. Jack is making it, you can also have some tea or coffee" - Niki

"Oooo, that sounds so good. Could I have some tea please, no sugar and some milk" - Rose

"I'll have the same but just a little sugar, you know gotta keep the blood preasure up" - Tommy

"Yeah, need any help niki?" - Rose

"Nah I'm good, you two just try to not go back to sleep" - Niki

Niki walked up the stairs after telling jack that the two teens wanted tea and how they wanted it.

She went to Ranboo and Tubbos  room next.

"Come in" - Ranboo

"Good morning, is Toby awake yet" - Niki

"Kind of" - Tubbo

"Yeah he's awake" - Ranboo

"Okay great. Jack is making breakfast it's toast and 2 boils eggs each. Also you can have some tea or coffee if you would like" - Niki

"Sounds good" - Ranboo

"Ooooooooooo yes, can I have some tea please, a little sugar and some milk please" - Tubbo

"Ranboo?" - Niki

"Oh right, I'll have the same as him" - Ranboo

"Okay, you two don't fall back to sleep. I'd suggest coming downstairs so you say awake" - Niki

She left the boys room and done the same with the other boys, out of the feral boys only George wanted tea. The rest wanted coffee, typical.

She came back down stairs seeing Tommy and Rose sat at the table eating their food and drinking tea.

Jack was still in the kitchen cooking the next lot which was for Tubbo and Ranboo.

"Niki do you want to make the drinks for everyone" - Jack

"Sure" - Niki

{ back with Rose and Tommy }

They were both eating and laughing. Aka flirting.

"You know they probably know" - Rose

"Who?" - Tom

"Jack, Niki and Will" - Rose

"How do you know they know" - Tom

"Becuase they saw us asleep on the couch for like the 20th time" - Rose

"Oh yeah" - Tom

"Spoiler alert, we do know" - Niki

"Told you" - Rose

"Yeah well, oh well" - Tom

"Are you gonna tell the fans" - Niki

"I don't mind, it's up to Rose" - Tom

"If it comes up then sure, but if not then probably no" - Rose

"Good idea" - Niki

"We could stream another Q&A later, with text to speech" - Tom

"Yeah, we should" - Rose

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