pt.13 GO

804 15 1

"I'll go get ghostbur" - Rose

"Okay" - All

She went to go see ghostbur which took a while since she didn't know where he was.

"Ghostbur?" - Rose

"Hello" - Ghostbur

"Can you do a favor for me?" - Rose

"Sure, I'm happy to help" - Ghostbur

"Can you visit dream?" - Rose

"Sure" - Ghostbur

She took ghostbur over to their bunker next to the prison. Then she told ghostbur that he just had to see dream, nothing else.

"Okay, goodbye" - Ghostbur

"Bye ghostbur" - all

Ghostbur went into the prison while Techno and Rose took off their aumor and drank invisibility potions.

"Everyone mute, now" - Techno

"On my command, got it?" - Rose

"Got it" - phil/ranboo/niki

Techno and Rose went into the prison following ghostbur every move.

They made sure they didn't give themselves away.

"Hey dream" - Ghostbur

"Ghostbur?" - Dream

"Yeah, Rose told me to come visit you. I don't know why" - Ghostbur

"I do" - Dream

"Oh, why is th-" - Ghostbur

Dream killed ghostbur before he could finish the sentence.

By killing the ghost of wilbur, wilbur would be revived.

Only question was, where is he.

"GO" - Rose

She and the others unmuted in sync. While Rose and Techno got their aumor on and their weapons out.

They 2v1 fought Sam, winning instantly as there is 2 of them and one of him.

"FINALLY" - Dream

"Hold ya horses" - Rose

"Wanna call in that favor" - Techno

"Yup" - Dream

"Do it phil" - Techno

"Ranboo, blow this shit up. And niki, go find Wilbur" - Rose

"Consider it done" - Ranboo

"On it" - niki

"Sure thing mate" - Phil

Phil made 6 withers, then bolted while ranboo set the nuke up and also bolted. The wither hitting the nuke would set it off so ranboo didn't have to die.

And niki went to the l'manhole so see if wilbur spawned there.

Techno gave dream some aumor and Rose gave him some weapons to defend himself if Sam came back.

"Everyone, meet at the meeting room" - Rose

Everyone bolted and met at the meeting room.

"That went well" - Techno

"Yeah, it did" - Rose

"Where's niki?" - Ranboo

"She'll be on her way with wilbur" - Rose

"Ah" - Ranboo

"So, you all know why your here" - Rose

"But your going to remind us" - Techno

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