Chapter 3

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There are no classes scheduled in the lecture hall prior to biology class. So Lisa often gets to class early and uses the time to study. This Wednesday is no exception, specially taking into account that we are scheduled to have a test. I have arranged to meet Lisa so we can study, but I know my heart or head isn't in it. Deep down inside I know I'm not prepared and will fail the midterm. Dr. Liberman is particularly cheerful on exam days. Today he also decides to arrive early to class as he carries exams and Scantron sheets. I try my best to not even look his way as I try desperately to concentrate and listen to all the facts Lisa is rattling off. It's no use; Dr. Liberman is exchanging jokes with some other students and interweaving his snide remarks as well. I take a deep breath, clear my desk, close my eyes, rub my temples, and say a quick prayer.

Test packets are soon distributed, and there is silence in the lecture hall except or the ticking of the clock on the wall. An hour passes, and some students are already finishing their exams. Some of them are handing them in with smiles and sighs of relief, others with frowns and visible signs of worry. I take comfort in knowing that I'm not the only one who thinks the test is very hard. Glancing at the clock, I notice that there are only forty-five minutes left until I have to hand in the exam, finished or not. I opt to flip through the exam and answer everything that I definitely know first, then work on the maybe items that I might know, and lastly the don't-know-at-all items, taking my best guess. I finish with five minutes to spare. I hand my exam and Scantron to Dr. Liberman, and he looks at me through his thick glasses. With a clipped tone and pursed lips he says, "Thank you." I just walk back to my seat, gather my belongings, and exit the lecture hall as quickly as I can.

Feeling utterly down, I walk aimlessly down the second-floor hallway and lean on the banister that overlooks the cafeteria seating area, which has a backdrop that consists of a wall of glass widows with a view of Guy R. Brewer Boulevard. I can see the sky from where I'm standing, and it's gray and cloudy. My eyes roam the tables below where groups of students often congregate. You can see various groups are ethnically based, and a few are intermixed ethnicities. As I'm looking, I notice there are two round tables directly below me that have a large group students who are very animated, speaking a language that I've never heard. Many of them have the same complexion as Conn. I wonder if he belongs to that group. Curiosity gets the best of me, and I decide to head downstairs to the cafeteria and grab a coffee. As I pass their table, I causally glance in their direction. Most of the guys are handsome with bold, defined features, but none of them have anything on Conn. The women are thin with long, dark hair for the most part; they are fashionably dressed and have a full face of makeup. The group is talking loudly, waving their hands and making other gestures as they interact with each other. I deliberately slow my pace, trying to identify what language they are speaking, but it's useless.

Feeling completely invisible to the world around me, I head toward my next class.

It's a good twenty minutes before class, but I can't bring myself to enter the lecture hall yet. I take a seat on the window ledge and look out the window, watching cars drive by and people walking on the sidewalks below, and close my eyes. I wake to the noise of the lecture hall doors being swung open and people chatting as they enter. I quickly gather my things and proceed to enter. The lecture is slow torture. My chin is propped on my hand as I wait to hear something worthy to write in my notes. So far it's as if Dr. Jones is just reciting the textbook and case studies by memory. I find myself watching the clock and giving silent thanks that I don't have to work tonight. I really need a night to study and rest.

Have I been daydreaming? The class seems to be over; everyone is packing their things, and Dr. Jones is talking to the usual group of students who are always kissing up to him. I take off my glasses, shove them into the case, and throw everything in my messenger bag. As I stand and get ready to leave, I notice that on the board it says, "Test next Monday." I take a deep breath and start walking toward the lecture-room exit doors. My eyes are on the ground as I'm walking slowly while deep in my thoughts. As I raise my head, I realize that he is carelessly leaning on a wall twenty feet away from the exit doors. I stop dead in my tracks. Am I now having visions, hallucinations? What in the world? My heart begins pounding hard. Unable to control myself, I smile and walk straight toward him. "Hi! What are you doing here? Do you have class on this floor?" I ask.

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