Chapter 5

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"I seem to recall you mentioning that this is a small dinner gathering."

"Oh, it is. The term 'small' for the royal family has a very loose definition," Henry explained. 

"I've noticed," I mumbled. 

I spotted Prince Nicholas on the other end of the room, standing in his usual tall and brooding manner. 

Today I had decided on a dusty blue dress that fell off my shoulders. I decided that my last look may have been slightly too dramatic and chose to be more subtle today in terms of my appearance today. Henry was wearing a black suit with a white undershirt and a pink vest underneath. Fashionable, per usual. The prince was wearing a suit similar to Henry's, except it was almost completely black with dark blue details.

I have never noticed how handsome the prince was. He had a magnetic essence that pulled you towards him, yet an infuriating glare that pushed you away. 

He did not glance at me once. His eyes were everywhere except on me. I would be lying if I said it did not frustrate me. 

Annoyed at the prince, I excused myself to go use the restroom. 

As I finished and headed back to the main room, my thoughts drift to him. I did everything correct, didn't I? I left him wanting more, maintained my mystery, was vague yet inviting. What else could I have done?

I kept replaying our encounter as my body collided with a wall. No, not a wall. A very strong chest. I stumble back and realize that it was the prince. 

At that moment I realized that "prince" is an inaccurate  description of him. Princes are golden, filled with sunshine and goodwill and innocence. The man in front of me was dark and ambitious. He was the farthest thing from innocent. It would be more believable to call him a king. For now, I've decided on calling him by his name. 

"We have to stop meeting like this," Nicholas said with a devilish smirk. 

"And what fun would that be?" I teased. 

"We can find a replacement for the lost entertainment." 

He stepped closer to me until we were breathing the same air. 

Be still, my beating heart.

His eyes were deep, urging me to drown in them. 

His lips were centimeters from mine. All it would take is a small movement to...

"Excuse me," he suddenly said. "You are in my way."

And he continued to stride down the hall, sidestepping me as he walked past. 

This, I had not anticipated. 


"It seems as if you are playing a game of chess," my mother said after I had explained what happened in hopes that she would guide me in what to do next. "You made your move, and now he made his. Quite clever, actually."

"It is not 'quite clever,' Mother. It is humiliating! Demeaning! He embarrassed me!"

"About time a man put you in your place. You had always been too smug when it concerns the opposite sex. You think you can have anyone you set your sights on."

"I can have anyone I set my sights on. At least I could before that bastard came along."

"Now, there is no reason to be so angry. It's simply your move. What do you have in mind for your next play?"

"Well, he made is seem as if he were about to kiss me, yet he didn't. I will just have to make it so that he has no willpower to resist me again."

"What do you have in mind?"

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