Chapter 7

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The following day I received a letter in the mail proclaiming that I was invited to reside in the palace with the royal family. Nicholas's doing, I could only assume. 

My mother squealed with joy, but I could not match her excitement. I had to keep my mystery and keep him asking questions, but how could I do that if we were living in the same residence?

I packed my trunks, shoving as many dresses as I could fit into wooden trunks.

I'd have to be careful and make sure this plays out in my favor. I couldn't fall in love with him, so the best way to play this is to keep him at a distance. It's impossible for a woman to love someone you don't know. 


As I had expected, my room in the palace was as intricate as one of my best dresses. 

The maids had already unpacked my belongings and left me to adjust to my new surroundings. 

I walked over to the bed and lay on it, staring at the carved ceiling. I'd have to be careful now that I was here. Every small movement would have to be calculated. This would be the biggest challenge of my life. 

"I see you approve of your room," I heard a voice say from the door. 

I sat up so see Nicholas leaning against the doorframe. 

"I suppose it was your idea that I live here?"

"Yes. We never got to spend enough time together at those balls and dinners."

"It was more than enough for me."

"I find that hard to believe."

"Well that's because your narcissistic brain is not wired for such thoughts."

"What can I say? I'm smart enough to know my own worth," he winked. Self-absorbed idiot. 

"So you plan on winning me over with your rudeness?" he mocked. 

"You will just have to see," I teased. 

"I don't believe you have uttered a single kind word to me in all of our bantering."

"And you have not to me," I pointed out. 

"That's fair."

He pushed against the doorframe and walked over to the bed, sitting beside me. 

"How is your puppy?" he asked. 

"Puppy?" I knew he was referring to Henry. I just wanted him to say it. 

"Harry." Ah, there is was. The jealousy. 

"Henry," I corrected him. "Quite well. Why do you ask?"

"Simply wondering if he objects to you courting the prince."

"And who is to say that I am courting the prince?"

"You are here, aren't you?"

"Well, it's not as if I could reject a request from the royal family."

"So Harry would mind if I kissed you?" he asked leaning closer. 

"Possibly," I whispered, leaning closer to him in return. 

His eyes grew even darker than I thought would be possible. 

Our lips were only breaths away from one another's. Electricity stirred beneath me. So close. Too close. I was in dangerous territory. 

Then, I pulled away, giving him a clueless shrug to answer his confused expression. 

The next moment happened faster than I could comprehend it. He gave me that devilish smirk, then grabbed my face in his strong hands and brought his lips to mine with such force that every other thought disappeared. The Earth had stopped turning. The universe was frozen in time. Nothing but his lips and mine existed. 

No, I couldn't be doing this. I am giving him the upper hand that I cannot afford to sacrifice. 

I pulled away as quickly as I could and camouflaged all of my emotions with a mask of indifference to the kiss with a pinch of surprise and nothing else. I could not let him see me falter. 

His smirked flew off his face as soon as he saw my apparent unresponsiveness. For a short second I saw his face transform into one of disappointment. Good. I had won that round. 

Although, have I? I felt that kiss as he intended me to. He just didn't know it. We had both lost, then. 

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