Chapter 3

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As I had suspected, no one else was wearing black. 

Everyone had already gathered and begun dancing as I walked down the stairs of the ballroom. 

It was of utmost importance that I do not cower from the stares. I must keep my head as high as I can and enforce my confidence. There is nothing more attractive than a confident woman. 

I quickly noticed that the prince was sitting on the throne to the left of his father's, seemingly bored. His mother, the queen, was on his father's right. She was glancing around from girl to girl attempting to find one that satisfied her. No one had noticed me yet. 

After a few seconds, I felt people begin to stare. I did not dare to glace at the prince, although I knew he had seen me by now. Everyone has. 

I did not want to dance just yet. It would send the wrong message to the prince if I was already dancing with another man. I made my way towards the bar area to collect some champagne for lack of nothing better to do. 

"You know it is considered ill-mannered to show up an hour late to a ball," said a voice behind me. 

I turned around to find a blonde girl in a blue gown and a smirk on her face. The smirk suited her complexion. The dress, however, paled her out. 

"I would apologize, but I see no reason to do so to you," I responded, my tone mimicking politeness. 

"What game do you believe you're playing?" she asked. 

"I'm sorry, I do not know what you are talking about," I said flashing her an innocent smile. 

"You better watch your back. The prince is mine," she hissed before turning around and walking away. 

And people wonder why a carry a strong dislike towards these kinds of girls. They have too much ambition and nowhere to put it. 

I continue to sip my champagne as I observe those who are dancing. Realizing that nothing is happening, I take one last sip of champagne and leave the ballroom in search of the lavatory, providing the prince with a chance to follow me. 

The castle is truly gorgeous, with engravings covering the walls and extravagant statues and paintings on every corner. I continue down the lavish hallway when I hear a deep voice behind me. 

"I've seen you before," he said. 

I turn around and find a pair of dark brown eyes looking at me. His hair is just as dark and his face was angular and sharp. This was Prince Nicholas. 

"Your Highness," I curtsied. 

"I've seen you at a few previous balls, haven't I?" he said, stepping closer. 

"Possibly," I responded simply. His gaze was intimidating, but I could not show any sign of that. I had to keep my head up high. 

"I saw Elizabeth bothering you."

I assumed Elizabeth was the girl in the blue dress, since she was the only one who had spoken to me tonight. 

"I was not aware that you were watching me, sir," I said, challenging. Something told me that this prince liked a challenge. 

"I like watching," he said seductively, taking a step closer. 

I could continue this, but that would be too much too soon. If you want a man to come back, keep him wanting more. 

"I'm sure Elizabeth will provide you with great pleasure, then. Now, would you excuse me? I believe I should get back to the party," I said, stepping around him and walking in the direction of the ballroom. Once I was sure that he could no longer see my face, I let a small smirk. 

This was going to be fun. 

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