Chapter 6

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"I'd like you to accompany me to the ball," I said to Henry. 

"You mean the ball where you plan to seduce the prince?"

"Yes, that would be the one."

"Isn't that counterproductive? I mean, if you show up with another man, the prince will get the wrong impression." 

"He already has the wrong impression. He believes that I want him."

"Don't you?"

"Yes, but he does not need to know that."

"Fair enough."


The royal ballroom was as it had been before, but I was beginning to grow used to the striking beauty of the palace. 

I'm surprised I had not yet grown tired of these balls. Then again, I am quite skilled at creating my own entertainment at these events. 

My arm was circled around Henry's, just as we had discussed previously. He replaced it on my lower back as we walked towards the center of the floor and began to dance. 

"So you do dance," said a deep voice behind me. 

I turned around, and just as I had suspected, Nicholas was standing behind me. 

"You don't mind, do you?" he asked Henry. 

"Actually, I do mind." Perfect. Just as we rehearsed. 

"Henry, would you mind fetching me a drink?" I interjected.

Nicholas placed his hand on my waist and I resumed my dancing with him. He was quite skilled, surprisingly. 

"You puppy is adorable," he whispered in my ear. 

"Kind of you to notice."

"You know, the jealously play is the most overused."

"It worked, didn't it?" He was dancing with me. He fell into my trap and has the audacity to judge my tactics. 

"Actually, I am here by my own choice."

"Right, and a fish can't fly by its own choice as well, I presume," I mocked.

"Well, I figured you out."


"You don't want me."

"Didn't think your egotistic mind was wired for such thoughts," I mocked, trying to cover myself. Did he see through me? Was I being reckless? First Henry, and now Nicholas?

"See? It's language like that. It's your impulsiveness when considering your attire. You would not be so... carelessly daring if you felt that you had something at stake."

"What are you implying?"

"You want me to want to marry you, only to be rejected, don't you?"

"And why would I do that?"

"Because of the chase."

There was no use of trying to cover up my intentions. He could see through me. The game was over. For the first time in my life I had lost. 

"Well, I am never one to resist a challenge," he said.

I looked up at him in surprise. 

"You keep to your plan, and I will keep to mine."

"And what plan do you have?" I asked. 

"To make you fall in love with me. I will beat you at your own game."

"I wish you luck with that," I snorted.

"You don't believe you can fall for me?" 

I looked up at him and felt the electricity through his gaze. "No." That was a lie. If I was to love someone, it would be him.

"I could say the same for you," he said looking me up and down. How dare he? Was I not attractive enough for him? I was beautiful enough for every other man in the kingdom. He was trying to plant doubt into my mind, fill me with insecurities. Women often fall in love because of their own insecurities. Skilled move. Cruel, but skilled.

"Charming me already," I retorted. 

"So it's settled then?"

"What is?"

"The last to fall in love wins."

"You know this is a game."

He took a step towards me. "I know. I'm playing it too," he whispered into my ear.

"So let's play," I said just as seductively. I leaned in until our lips were nearly touching. His eyes grew dark as they drifted to my lips. His breaths grew heavy.


I turned around and ran.

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