CH.12 The Change

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As I was thinking about all those amazing things I started to feel hungry and now the time is 7:10 am ok I have some time I went towards the kitchen and see what I have but everything is over I think I have to go shopping after school today I just have an empty kitchen ohh I dying why the time is so slow today I went back to my room pick my phone and call Jackson he picked up so quickly and from his voice, I can tell he was waiting for my call.

Jackson- Hi baby hru

I'm fine how about u hmm.. - Y/n

Jackson- After ur call, I'm super fine

Can u come rn please- y/n

Jackson- OK!! It's not a thing to request just tell baby girl.

So come fast ok-Y/n

Jackson- Right away~~

Before I could say bye he cut the call so I picked my stuff and get out of the house closing the door properly. As I turn around I saw Jungkook in a basketball outfit and the other stuff I think he is ready for today's basketball match I have also packed my outfit for the match as the coach told me that if I'm able to play against Bts then they would take me in the team as a player not just as an extra player. I would be the first girl to be in the team, I am also the first and I think the last girl to play against boys but I don't care I love basketball. I'll make sure that I'm in the team.

In our school no girl wants to play basketball so we don't have any team for girls in our school can u imagine NO GIRL want to play basketball REALLY why?? Leave Now I'm going to bring change, but I do need some player also hmm... idk how but I'll get some, I hope. I saw my watch and the time is 7:20 am Jackson will be here any moment I saw Jungkook looking at me with a sorry look on his face but how it's not possible,  I do know if he is sorry then it's for the last night but I don't want to think about that at all so I won't mention it. I saw he was coming towards me but before he could a fast-moving car stop right in front of me. I was shocked by it I was not able to move Jackson came out and hugged me and said sorry for that fast car park I saw Jungkook was looking mad so he went towards his car and started to put his stuff in the car and the meantime I and Jackson sit in the car and went towards school.

In the car~
Jackson- so why did u call me early hm...

He said but his eyes were on road only

Y/n- So u want to know about it?!

He Stops the car as it was a red light, so he looked towards me with his beautiful smile

Jackson- Yes Ms I want to so please tell me

Y/n- Ok so I was hungry No wait I'm hungry, I didn't have anything to eat so I thought that we can stop by some cafe and eat something.

The light turns green and he starts the car

Jackson- Ok then let's go and dig in something we have a lot of time.

He smiled at me and take the car towards the cafe. After some time we reach the cafe and Jackson told me to stay in the car as he will bring something it didn't take much time and he came back quickly and hand me a bag, he starts the car and I look in the bag and he brought two Southwest Veggie Wrap. I love Starbucks and with it, two coffee I started to eat very fast as I was starving I finished mine and help Jackson to eat as he was driving the car we reach the school and time was 7:40 am it's ok he parked the car and we went in school while drinking our coffee, after that, we throw the empty cup in the bin and as I turn jisoo  hug me very tightly I also hugged her and then she gave me a good news

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