Curing Headaches

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Katsuki Bakugou | Change of Plans

Your hand reached out from underneath your sheets, sheltering you from the residual sunlight that beamed into your bedroom, and also burned your eyes. Eventually, your fingers reached out for the phone by your bedside, grabbing it and pulling it under the sheets with you before you answered with a groan, ceasing the incessant tone you've given as your ringtone not only less than a week ago.


There was a silence on the other line, just static with the sound of light traffic. You tried to think quickly who this was, but your brain felt like it was about to split into two.

"What the hell is wrong?" Spoke a familiar irate tone, causing the back of your head to strain from the ting of the phone.

"Oh, sorry," you apologized, the realization dawning on you while you dug your head into your pillow. "I forgot about today. I can be up in half an hour-"

"Stay where you are dumbass," interrupted Bakugou. "I'm coming to you."

"No you don't-"

"Shut up!"

You winced in pain while you pulled your ear away from the phone. All of your energy was spent on keeping yourself conscious, but the throb in your head didn't cease.

"Sorry, look, I'll come to you. Don't go flying around," ordered Bakugou, able to hear his voice mere inches away from your phone.


You laid in bed, eyes shut while the sheets were pulled from your face. You didn't realize the phone was still next to you before you fell back into slumber.

Door opens and closes

You woke again still with a full throb in your head, attempting to find some comfort in your bed. You couldn't tell how long you had been lying there, or how much time had passed since the phone call. You tossed a little until something sank on the side of your bed, peeking out of the sheets to spot Bakugou sitting by your side.

"Here," he spoke, handing you a small bowl of soup. You smelt the enticing aroma while you gingerly pushed yourself up on your bed, hugging the bowl that was cooled moments ago before you slowly sipped it. It wasn't long until Bakugou had a glass of water and some aspirin in hand, allowing you to place the bowl on your bedside table to take them.

"You should've texted me," he reprimanded quietly, his gruff voice sounding harsher than he would have liked.

"Sorry, I couldn't even get out of bed," you admitted, returning back to the bowl of soup. The warmth filled you to the brim, indulging in Bakugou's cooking even though it was broth.

"And you really need to fill your fridge," he continued. "Feel lucky that I stopped by the convenience store on the way."

You turned to Bakugou through heavy eyelids, staring at his face, his eyes looking away from you. In these instances, you would've chuckled at his reaction, but with the heavy throb still present, you only winced from the sharp prick in your temples.

"If you need me, I'll be outside," remarked Bakugou, lifting himself from the bed.

"Katsuki?" You uttered, causing him to turn his eyes back on you. "If I feel better later, can I join you?"

"Heh, I'll carry you out here if you want," he teased with a smirk. "Get better faster Lightweight."

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