Curing Headaches - 5th Edition

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Since when on earth did your Quirk give you so much grief that the mere smell of it gave you such a splitting headache? You laid in bed, happy to have a room of your own after the move to this deserted isle off the coast of Musatafu. Still, the constant sunlight wasn't helping the situation. You groaned while you dug your head in your pillow, hoping that would help ease the sting from the sunlight that shone through the windows. You didn't know how this headache transpired and where it came from. It felt like you slammed into a brick wall.

"It's a part of the process," explained that familiar voice who sat by your bedside, his eyes staring down at you away from his console.

"This is excruciating," you mumbled before you peeked out from your pillow, staring into Shigaraki's red gaze.

"It will pass."

Tough love. That was what this was, not that you hadn't experienced it once upon a time. You tossed in bed, turning to face Shigaraki while he continued to focus on whatever game he was playing. The one thing you were gracious for was that he had the volume played low. That didn't help the button mashing though.

"How long?" You asked while you pressed against the soft pillows.

"Who knows," he replied, eyes still on the console.

"It's been hours."

"You'll survive it."

"I meant the level you're playing."

Shigaraki paused his game, turning to you, your eyes shut but still facing him on the bed.

"You've been playing the same level since you've sat here with me," you explained, tossing while you tried to make yourself comfortable with this throbbing headache in your brain. You continued to breathe, hoping to focus away from the wave of pain that stabbed at your temples, but you heard nothing from Shigaraki. You wondered if you dozed at some point, unable to compare how time felt anymore until a palm wrapped a few of his fingers around your hand, careful with his touch.

"I'm waiting for you," explained Shigaraki, caressing his thumb across the top of your hand. "It's no fun to play ahead without you Pixie." His fingers, despite being gloved, delicately held onto your hand, watching while your fingers gently wrapped around his and a smile pulled on your face. He held you for a while, wondering if you had dozed again despite the light grip of your fingers. He was careful not to fully embrace you.

"Can I get some aspirin?" You mumbled after the quiet, soon feeling his hand leave yours.

It was a long wait until Shigaraki had his team player back.

DABI | A Lifetime Ago

"Pup," called a malformed voice in your head. These dreams pressed and prodded your brain. And that voice sounded like him, but not him.


A few times it contorted into that low and husky verbatim you were familiar with, but something else, or someone else, was getting into the mix. There was only confusion, and it only stung your head.


That voice. That was a lifetime ago. Or was it more than a lifetime? Delusions of the mind that suffered from the pain and ran on any form of survival. You stared at your arms, covered in the burns that contorted your skin until flashes of bandages replaced them. Hallucinations, that's all they were, you thought, trying to convince yourself otherwise.

You squint your eyes from the pain that raced across your face, your forehead seizing to and fro as if it would cave-in on itself. Tossing and turning on the bed in itself was almost self-inflicting, finding your gaze turned to the open windows that overlooked the vast landscape of flowers towards the ocean ahead. It was a beautiful sight, showered with the casting light of the sun up high.

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