When You Walk In On Him - 1st Edition

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"I'm home... Izuku?" you called while you removed your shoes by the front door. Not a word. No reply. You shrugged, though you wondered about Midoriya, recalling his earlier call informing you that he was on his way from work.

"Maybe he got caught up with something," you murmured, removing your jacket and throwing it on the couch.

You sighed inwardly with a smile, removing pieces of your clothes on the way in towards the bedroom. It had been a long day, in and out of the office. After a reconnaissance mission in inner Musatafu, you needed to rid yourself of the gunpowder you felt all over. By the time you reached the bedroom, you were already down to your undergarments.

You hummed while you stretched your limbs, gathering a few clean clothes before you made your way to the bathroom. A nice shower was what you needed. And then bingeing something on stream made for a relaxing afternoon, at least until you heard from Midoriya. This did not occur often, but dating the Number One came with compromise. Even more so now that you were engaged. You were more than thankful that it hadn't made the news unlike Bakugou and Todoroki's engagement.

Your thoughts however were rear-ended once you opened the bathroom door, eyes met by the warm moist condensation and a very naked Hero with nothing but a towel wrapped around his hips. His scars were bare to see, his skin freshly drenched from what you assumed was a hot shower before he turned his emerald eyes onto you, frozen by the sight.

You stood speechless. You had seen him many times but it had always amazed you about the sheer size of his body, the scars that painted his story, and despite all of this, his face relaxed and drenched still with this boyish charm.

"Izuku?" You softly spoke, catching his eye, slightly drowsy from the warmth of the bathroom. Oh those sleepy, bedroom eyes-

"Hey Cutie," he spoke, almost sultry for a brief moment.

That was the shower talking.

"Are you done?" You asked while you cleared your throat, your clothes hugged tightly against your chest.

You watched Midoriya walk towards you, hand on his towel before he leaned against the doorframe, only allowing a small opening for you to slide past, should you decide to do so. You couldn't tell if your cheeks were burning from the fluster or if the air was getting to you before he closed his face onto yours, kissing your cheek.

"I could be, or I could have another one with you," he teased, watching your eyes widen a little.

"Have you been speaking with Kaminari lately?" You asked after a moment of silence.

Then that happy smile crossed his face, his cheerful old self.

"Very funny," he replied, allowing you access into the bathroom. "Shower's all yours. I'll start dinner."

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