Haunted House Escapades

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The spooky season has come out to play, now with the city decorating itself with pumpkins and candles, creepy crawlies and ghouls. An invite from Idaten's principal mechanic caught many off-guard, but ever since the reunion night, they had been fervent to make connections, and in turn, create all the support items required by all who were close to Iida.

Still, free invitations to the first fully-functional and interactive haunted house was something nobody could ignore, at least for most. But it came with one condition.

All that had received an invitation, must dress for the occasion.

All that had received an invitation, must dress for the occasion

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You stared up at the attraction in awe, watching the lights flicker from inside the makeshift house, casting shadows of figures that creaked and swayed. The haunted house attraction at the indoor amusement park was a sight to see, having been built by Iida's top mechanic. You wondered what was in store while you stood by the makeshift gate that opened up to a mechanized yet very convincing looking courtyard filled with gravestones.

"Yeah, I heard this place had wicked scares," commented Kirishima with a grin, his red hood hanging over his head while his unruly red hair draped from within its canopy.

You peered up at the redhead with a smirk, fixing his hood so that his face was open to see from underneath. "I still can't believe you dressed as Red Riding Hood. At least one with pants," you teased.

"It's kinda like a tradition," he explained with a wry smile, revealing his teeth playfully. "Ever since Bakugou dressed as a werewolf back at the academy on our first Halloween there, it's been our thing."

"Why am I not surprised?" You chuckled while you fixed the collar of your shirt and the straps of your trousers that held the large faux axe by its belt. Arriving at the amusement park was a pleasant surprise after spotting and meeting with Kirishima's ragtag friends who all received an invite to the attraction. His reasoning for his costume was soon self-explanatory after finding Bakugou indeed dressed as a werewolf for the day. You were bewildered that the blond came dressed in the first place while his arm encircled around his fiance's shoulders, but you didn't want to question it.

"So, shall we?" You asked, your eyes still drawn towards your axe.

"Yeah..." Kirishima's voice trailed off with uncertainty while you still fiddled with the axe, ensuring that it wouldn't swing aimlessly around before you entered the attraction. Your attention was absent, focused more so on your costume from malfunctioning before-

"You go first," suggested Kirishima with a light push, tripping your boots momentarily into the cobblestones that lined the path towards the house.

"Hey!" You exclaimed while you found your feet, turning to Kirishima with a huff. "We're in this together!"

"You're the Huntsman!" He exclaimed in protest before he clutched on his hood, swaying coyly with a turn of his feet on his toes. "Aren't you going to protect me?"

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