When You Walk In On Him - 2nd Edition

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The giant expanse of Fat Gum's agency was a sight to behold. Compared to Fourth Kind's modest establishment, you found something warm and comforting in these halls. Still, you twiddle your thumbs and tapped your shoes in anxiousness. You haven't heard from Kirishima in a while. Your eyes drifted every so often catching glimpses of Heroes and Sidekicks alike roaming the large foyer, but no tall redhead.

You decided, perhaps, to roam a bit. Perhaps Kirishima was still on patrol, or on mission, or on his way to a mission, or returning, or-

"Hey," spoke a low voice catching your attention from your runaway train of thought.

"Oh, Amajiki, hey, sorry, didn't see you there," you mumbled, fumbling over your words a little. It only made the tall dark-haired man sulk, hiding his eyes behind his shades and his hood. He looked a little worse for wear with part of his cloak charred, assuming he must've returned from patrol.

"It's fine," he simply replied. "I'm used to it."

"No, I didn't mean... have you seen Eijirou? He said he'd be back but I haven't seen him through here."

Amajiki's eyes drifted through the foyer before he shrugged. "He's probably already back. He called in not too long ago. If I see him, I'll let him know you're here."

"Thank you Amajiki."

You beamed a smile at the Pro-Hero, watching his eyes turn away before he walked. If you didn't know any better, it looked like he was slightly embarrassed.

"Oh, Amajiki, where would Eijirou be if he's done for the day?" You asked.

"Maybe the lockers," replied Amajiki without even turning his head to face you.

You only continued to watch him walk away. It was commonplace for the Pro-Hero to be a little unsociable, but he still radiated a good heart that came with his reputation. You stood from one of the foyer lounges, stretching your limbs above your head before you began to stroll through the agency, making note of the direction towards the locker rooms. Maybe you'll bump into Kirishima? Or he got caught up with his friends in the agency?

A couple of Sidekicks exited a steamy room while they waved something in the air between themselves. They were quick to catch with your eye as they ran past, but it looked like a couple pieces of clothing in their hands, guffawing and hooting through the hall. You shook your head at the sight until the sound of running wet footsteps suddenly caught your ear.

A sudden jolt slammed into you before a large body grabbed hold of yours, catching you in his large arms. The cold touch of his skin and the warmth of the steam around you hit you like a brick wall while your hands pressed against his bare chest.

"Sorry I didn't mean-" started a familiar voice before you came face-to-face with a familiar redhead, his hair clinging to his skin while he pressed against yours. You felt the rush of blood flush into your cheeks and your ears when you stared into those familiar red eyes.

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