Chapter II- October of 2015

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The first month of school went by so fast. I can't believe that for almost all of September I didn't notice Aaron at school, whereas he was there all the time. Observing him, friends who surround him, and his lifestyle I never considered him as a diligent student, but I didn't suspect he didn't pass the year. It must have been hard for him. Besides technique and chemistry, I don't have any particular problems with other subjects.  I have some hardships with mathematics too, but I'll figure it out one way or another. Our maths teacher gives additional lessons on Tuesday after hours in our school. Not many students attend that- me, Kinga, Paulina, Thomas, and a few other people, but our teacher is glad, cause it's easier for her to teach 10 people rather than the whole squad with 30 persons + atmosphere is very cool and chill. 

Today in the afternoon after lessons I went with Justin, Honorata, and Tobias to this abandoned destroyed park inside the forest. There is also a big lake and tattered cafeteria, besides. We barely entered the area and we already heard some rumors from inside of the cafeteria. We were surprised, cause hardly ever someone else than us comes here. I can't believe my eyes. Aaron is smoking e-cigarette with his friends and laughs out so loud like they're having the time of their lives. There are like 3 girls and 3 boys. They noticed us and laughed even harder than they did before. One of the boys pointed a finger at us and everyone, including Aaron, looked at us. We weren't far away from them so I think Aaron recognized me. He didn't seem to care though. He just hugged one of the girls and kissed her on the cheek looking at me. We were supposed to hang out there but we got abashed seeing them, besides they didn't seem to look at us seriously, so we just went straight inside the forest. I'm not 100% sure, but they could have been intoxicated as well when we came across them. 

One Saturday Paulina and Susan came to my place. As usual, I stole 2 cigarettes from my grandpa so we could smoke in my room. Chill, cause grandpa really values my privacy, and he tries not to enter my room when I'm with my friends in it. He's so cool! Susan was one of my "friends" who didn't stand in my defense while Kasia and her 17 y.o. boyfriend had been trashing me. I don't know why do I still hang out with her. I guess I'm too forgiving. She didn't treat me seriously then and she doesn't treat me seriously now. But Paulina and Susan are the kind of girls who are so easy-going and being around them you can be always sure you're about to have a lot of fun. Exemplary- today we've been throwing strawberries from my balcony at random passengers on the street. I want to remind you that I live on the 9th floor ;-D Accidently I missed a shot and I threw strawberry at someone's car parked in a parking lot behind the block. All the car roof was messed red ;-D Paulina had thrown the strawberry at old man, we quickly hid so he couldn't see us! Later I reserved my number and we called different people. They didn't know it had been us and instead of us, we played Google translator to talk ;-D There is always so much laugh and fun with that. We called the father of Paulina's boyfriend. The translator had been speaking everything we wrote, and her boyfriend's father asked who is he talking to, and Paulina told me to type Marzena in google translator and this Mister was like "Marzena is that really you? We haven't been talking to each other for such a long time. How are you?" xd. We hung up xd While smoking I wasn't too careful and I burnt with my cigarette tablecloth accidentally. Paulina and  Susan got a laugh. After that, they went crazy and typed "Windows music" on YouTube and started dancing with such devotion like they were dancing for their lives xd If it wasn't enough they had seen from my window little girls before my block singing and dancing to Ewelina Lisowska's songs like "Jutra Nie Będzie", "W Stronę Słońca" or "Zatrzymaj Się". Paulina and Susan decided to mess with them and shouted to them "Hey, girls! Wanna some money?!". And they shouted to us "YEEEES!". "Wait a second. We're gonna throw it to you!". And they took Beyonce's photo looking at strawberries we printed an hour ago and threw it off the window. Girls were waiting and when the card finally fell on the ground they saw it ain't money but a photo of Beyonce looking at Polish strawberries they ran away xd There was lately an article about Beyonce's concert in Poland and information that the thing Beyonce most demanded in Poland had been...Polish strawberries, as in the USA there don't grow such natural and tasty strawberries like in Poland xd This is the photo I write about xd :

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