Welcome to our coven

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"Are you sure your ready to do this?" Charlie said with a worry look. "yes I'm fine I want to do this." Zoe said pushing Charlie onto her bed. She wanted to do this giving her first time to Charlie, because she assumed that he was her soulmate after all.

Charlie began taking off his clothes and pants and slowly removing Zoe's outfit. He then began to top her and go inside her, he then began to felt dizzy and blood came running down his nose, he started shaking like having a seizure and collapse. Blood were running down his eyes,nose and ears. Zoe began screaming and calling her parents for help.

Few hours later, they got the results from the doctor saying it was probably a brain aneurysm but it was nothing like they have seen before. Zoe's mom came into her room the next morning with a worried look. " hey honey we have to talk." " yes?" said Zoe with a worried face after seeing her mom's. "I had prayed for it to skip your generation, but u have to know something. Your grandmother has it too and there a lot of girls like you too so I'm sending you to a boarding school in New Orleans for your safety." "What no! I'm not leaving here I'm save here. I like it here!" Zoe shouted at her mom. Then came two tall men dressed in black suit and a elderly lady with red so called "fluffy" hair. The two men dragged her out by her arms as she was She screaming and kicking.

Few hours later they finally arrived to the academy, once the brunette left the car she was shock to see a huge beautiful white building in front of her. There was a huge gate and there is a plague beside the gate and it said " miss robichaux's academy for exceptional young ladies" "hmmm fancy place" she thought.

Once she reached the main door she felt abit off probably due to her being nervous and there's no sound at all coming out of the academy, since she assumed it was crowded and loud. Then she slowly opened the main door and felt shiver down her spine due to how quiet the hallways were, she began to walk the quiet hallway and the door began closing on its own, she was a little freaked out but decided to ignore it. She started shouting "hello?" Multiple time waiting for a response any response at all but no one answered. She start walking down to the living room then to the kitchen and to a hall full of painting, she started mesmerising and finding those paintings interesting. Suddenly she felt someone walk by her quickly like a blur, she whipped her head to she if anyone was there but there wasn't. She starts walking down the hallways to see if anyone was there, another blur ran past her. This time she saw something, she began to run to the door as fast as she can but got blocked by a figure wearing a mask and a dark robe. She ran as fast as she could on the opposite direction screaming then she saw two more figures dressed the same. Suddenly her head got put on a sack and dragged across the room and slammed on to a table. One of them whipped the sack of her head and was holding a big knife above her head " oh dark father we offer you blood and flesh for you." they said as they stab the knife on the table nearly hitting Zoe. They got up and pulled up their mask appeared a beautiful blonde girl, Zoe quickly got up and hold her knees up to her chest "holy shit your-" "Madison Montgomery. Movie star." Said the blonde.

"Girls stop it, theres some groceries in the car at the driveway go get it. And you must be Zoe , hi nice to meet you I'm cordelia the headmistress." The middle age blonde woman said. The girls then went out to get the stuff in the car. " that's Madison, nan and queenie they are our students here just like you. Come let me show you your room."

Cordelia,Zoe and Spalding walked up the stairs to the second floor to Zoe's new room. " there you go. This will be your room and Madison will be your roommate." Zoe sigh that the fact that she has to share a room with the person that tried to kill her as a prank , this day couldn't get any worse.

It was dinner time everyone gathered in the dinning room and was eating dinner. "So why are you here?Queenie asked Zoe. "Boyfriend." Nan whispered. " did you kill him" " no!" Zoe denies to Maddison " it was an accident." After a few minutes Madison and queenie started fighting and Nan pulled qunnie out of it before anyone else gets hurt and left Zoe and Madison alone.

"Well that was disturbing ,given the choices around here looks like ur my new best friend. Do you have anything that don't come from THE GAP?" The blonde ask the brunette. "No not really." " fine you can borrow some of mine. There's a frat party later your coming with me." The blonde demand . "And why would you think I will go with you?" "Ummm because I'm awesome duhhhh." Zoe roled her eyes and thought it would be a great idea to socialise with people from New Orleans so she agreed to go.

When they arrived at the party it was crowded and hot they can barely breath due to the smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke. Zoe felt very uncomfortable and tried to cling to Madison but before she knew it madison was gone.

After taking a drink a boy with blonde hair walks towards her " thirsty?" " the sense of dehydration, is that your super power?" The boy chuckled at that comment. His name is Kyle and he is one of the host of the frat party. And he's kind of a sweet guy to be honest though Zoe.

"I know u have a boyfriend."

" no I don't , kyle I like you but it's never gonna work out. Have you seen Madison?"

Kyle offered to help Zoe so she accepted and they both went their separate ways to find Madison. Zoe looked for her downstairs and Kyle went upstairs, Zoe couldn't seem to find her so she went upstairs.

While walking up she saw a few frat boys rushing down the stairs pushing everyone through.

" Zoe , Madison she's upstairs first bedroom to the left!" Kyle yelled after rushing catching up with the other frat boys.

Zoe rushed to the bedroom and found Madison on the bed unconscious. Her makeup smeared all over her face and it looks like she was crying before she passed out. Zoe's face dropped now full with concerns runs besides Madison.

" hey Madison , hey are you okay? What did they give you. It's okay I'm here." Madison didn't respond. " stay here I'm not letting them get away with it." Before Zoe walked out she felt a hand grabbing hers " stay..." Madison said weakly.

Zoe decided to stay with Madison, she climbed into bed next to her and spooned her so she would feel save.

Suddenly Kyle came rushing in. Zoe quickly sat up her head almost hitting the back wall. " hey are you okay ? What happened" " the guys they all went on the bus and kicked me out , but the bus suddenly lost control and flipped."

" omg I'm sorry I know their your frat brothers." Zoe said concerned. " it's okay they don't matter to me anymore not after what they did to her, is she okay?" Kyle asked " yeah i think can you bring us back I haven't got my drivers license yet." " sure"

Zoe and Kyle both carried madison to the car and it wasn't a very easy task since madison keeps limping and falling multiple times.

They all got into the car , Kyle started driving and Zoe and Madison sat on the backseat. " so where do you guys live ?" Zoe had no idea where the address is since she just moved here in lest that 24 hours but she managed to navigate him to the right address.

Zoe carried madison out of the car but the blonde managed to walk on her own , she walked herself into the coven and left a confused Zoe behind.

Kyle rolled downed the window. " hey... ummm could I have your number ? You know just to check up on Madison and see if she's alright... and you too of course." Kyle said nervously. Zoe chuckle at how nervous the boy is " sure , and thank you.. for the help with Madison" Zoe leaned in and kissed his cheek . Kyle blushed and hand his phone to her . Zoe wrote her number and his phone back to him . " bye Zoe hope to see you soon ." Zoe blushed and waved goodbye to him as he drove off.

Zoe then walked back into the coven to her shared room with Madison to find the movie star.

A/N: thanks for reading my story . this is my first time writing any story so please forgive me if it's bad or have any grammar mistakes and I'll try to improve the next time. This story has been in my draft for months and I finally had the courage to post it . I'll update soon 💋

Together forever - Zadison Where stories live. Discover now