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The Light shined at Zoe's tightly shut eyes bright she couldn't help but to just wake up and shut the blinds and go back to sleep, but it was morning and she had to wake up for morning gathering like she promised Cordelia yesterday.

Zoe finally open her eyes and felt this freshness. She had a great sleep and little did she know someone beside did too. Madison still asleep next to her and she looks beautiful so peaceful Zoe thought.

They were still an hour and the half early for morning gathering. Zoe decided to take a quick shower and change leaving the blonde to sleep for a while.

After Zoe got out of the shower she wrapped herself with a towel and went to the room to find madison wide awake and is checking her phone. " ohh your awake good morning." The blonde just mumbled something Zoe can't really hear and her eyes still locked on her phone. Zoe ignore that and went to her closet to find some clothes to change into.

"So what ya doing later" Madison finally spoke. "Hmmm?" The blonde rolled her eyes at her roommates ignorance. " it's a Saturday we can do whatever the fuck we want after morning gathering." 

That's when Zoe remembers her date? No hangout with Kyle later. " well.. I'll go to the movies with Kyle later."

" oh so lover boy finally asked you out on a date?" The blonde smirk. " it's not a date we're just gonna watch a movie together." The brunette defended herself. " yeah right." The blonde rolled her eyes and continued scrolling through her phone.


Morning gathering wasn't very interesting , it was just about Cordelia saying she saw a witch that was burned on stake in the new and told us to be more careful using our powers outside. Zoe felt bad for that poor witch , what was her name again Misty day? Yeah I think that's right.

" go change we're going out now." The former movie star told her. " what where are we going?" The brunette question but was hush and told to just follow her.


Madison was driving and Zoe sat on the passenger seat , still doesn't know where they where heading. She asked the blonde a couple times but was ignored.

A few hours later because of traffic , they finally arrived at their destination.

The mall? Zoe thought. " Madison why did you bring me to the mall?"

" you're going on a date with your boyfriend , and I'm gonna make sure that you don't go dressing like some middle age mom that shops at discounts." The blonde said. " he's not my boyfriend." The brunette denies. " whatever Sabrina , as long as I'm going to make you look hot tonight." The blonde smirks and dragged the taller witch with her into the mall.


"Madison are you sure I need this many dresses?" The brunette ask as the blonde kept throwing piles and piles on dresses onto her arms. " yes you do now shut up." The former movie star continues to search for more dresses to pile up Zoe's arms. " I can't afford any of these it's too expensive."

" in case you forgot I'm like a billionaire , I'll pay for you." The blonde reminded. " you don't have to i mean I'm just going to watch a movie with him it's no big deal." The brunette tries to argue.

" well do you want to hang out with me or not? And I'm sure I do not want to be seen with someone who dresses like a homeless person." The brunette rolled her eyes , she doesn't think she dress really badly as the blonde says.

" all done , now go to the fitting room and try it all out." The blonde said happily. Well it might take a while the brunette thought since the shorter witch picked out about 30 dresses for her to try on.

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